Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Pepper and silk were scarce. Many people in Europe wanted them (demand), but the amount available (supply) was low. This was the effect on the price of these items A. Price would be lower. B. Price would stay the same. C. Price would be higher. D. Price would go up and down.
What is C- price would be higher?
In colonial America, this activity would have been most affected by an increase in the price of lumber A. Growing wheat B. Building ships C. Dairy farming D. Fur trapping
What is B- building ships?
The Puritans left England and settled in Massachusetts in order to: A. develop a fur trade. B. establish new trade routes. C. practice their religion freely. D. convert Native Americans to Christianity
What is C- practice their religion freely?
This region was known as the “breadbasket” of the colonies? A. New England B. Middle colonies C. Southern colonies D. Appalachian Mountains
What is B- Middle Colonies?
The French and Indian War began in 1754 and ended in 1763. The outcome of this conflict was this A. The French defeated the Indians, the British, and the American colonists. B. The British, with help from the American colonists, defeated the French and their Indian allies. C. The French, with help from their Indian allies, defeated the British and the American colonists. D. The British and their Indian allies defeated the French and the American colonists.
What is B- the British won?
Columbus wrote in his journal that he promised to bring the King and Queen of Spain “as much gold as they need…and as many slaves as they ask.” His journal is an example of this type of source. A. a historical source. B. a primary source. C. a secondary source. D. a relative source.
What is B- primary source?
In early American history, rivers sometimes promoted (helped) human activities because they: A. could be used for transportation. B. were often difficult to cross. C. flooded in the rainy season. D. had rapids and waterfalls.
What is A- could be used for transportation?
In colonial America, this region had long and cold winters, rocky soil, and small farms A. New England B. Middle colonies C. Southern colonies D. Great Plains
What is A- New England colonies?
The Mayflower Compact was an important document in United States history because of this A. It was the first set of rules concerning travels by ship. B. It was the first agreement for self‐government in America. C. It was an agreement between the Native Americans and England. D. It was an agreement to follow England’s official religion
What is B- it was the first agreement for self-government in America. Remember, they colonists created this document while on the ship coming to America. They were over the King! Too late to apologize.....
During the time of the American Revolution, this group thought the colonies should remain part of Britain A. Patriots B. Confederates C. Loyalists D. Unionists
What is C- the Loyalists?
The MAIN reason the Pilgrims came to America was this: A. find gold and silver. B. gain religious freedom. C. set up colonies for the French government. D. take control of the fur trade.
What is B- gain religious freedom?
Some early colonists chose to search for gold rather than plant crops. This was their opportunity cost. A. Steady supply of food B. The tools colonists created C. Wealth received from gold D. Land taken from the Native Americans
What is A- steady supply of food?
In early American history, there were often conflicts between Native Americans and settlers about: A. how women were treated by the different cultures. B. control and use of the land and natural resources. C. the different types of homes each group built. D. religious customs and practices.
What is B- control and use of the land and natural resources?
A wide variety of jobs were available in the colonies. The types of jobs available in a particular region were determined by which of the following? A. The wishes of the King of England B. The choices made by the government and the voters C. The decision of the local church D. The physical features and natural resources of the region
What is D- the physical features and natural resources of the region?
To help pay their debts and protect new territory won from France, the British government passed a number of new laws or acts imposing new taxes. Taxes are: A. money collected by governments to pay for public services. B. laws requiring citizens to serve in the military. C. money collected by government to pay for private services. D. laws requiring citizens to vote in elections.
What is A- money collected by governments to pay for public services?
“Direct exchange of goods and services” is called barter. Today, money has generally replaced this process. One way you might have used the barter system is to do this: A. trade one toy for another toy. B. buy a new toy from the store. C. give your friend an old toy. D. loan your friend money to buy a new toy.
What is A- trade one toy for another toy?
This was the earliest form of self‐government in the New England colonies: A. House of Burgesses B. Parliament C. Town meeting D. Sons of Liberty
What is C- town meeting?
Some landforms limit human activities. An example of this would be mountains because: A. rich minerals may be found there. B. they have very little timber. C. beautiful wild flowers grow there. D. they are often hard to cross.
What is D- they are often hard to cross?
1607- Virginia, 1620 Massachusetts, 1623 New Hampshire, 1624 New York, 1633 Connecticut, 1634 Maryland, 1636 Rhode Island, 1638 Delaware, 1643 Pennsylvania, 1653 North Carolina, 1660 New Jersey, 1670 South Carolina, 1733 Georgia During this time period, most of the 13 colonies were settled: A. 1607-1620 B. 1623-1633 C. 1607-1670 D. 1670-1733
What is C- 1607-1670?
This Act, passed by the British Parliament, forced colonists to provide British soldiers with food, clothing, and shelter? A. Stamp Act B. Quartering Act C. Intolerable Acts D. Taxation Without Representation Act
What is B- the Quartering act?
1513-Ponce de Leon explores Florida. 1521- Cortes Conquers the Aztecs. 1534- Cartier explores the St. Lawrence River 1609- Hudson claims land for Holland. 1681- De la Salle travels the Mississippi River. According to the timeline above, you can tell that: A. the explorers found the Northwest Passage. B. Spain was a very powerful country. C. exploration of the New World lasted a long time. D. France claimed land in what is now the United States
What is C- exploration of the New World lasted a long time?
In colonial America, this region had large plantations, a long growing season, rich farm land, and a warm climate A. New England B. Middle colonies C. Southern colonies D. Desert
What is C- southern colonies?
John Smith wrote in his journal that “Pocahontas, the king’s dearest daughter, put my head in her arms and laid her own upon mine.” His journal is an example of this type of source? A. Second‐hand B. Primary C. Secondary D. Afterthought
What is B- Primary source?
A market exists whenever buyers and sellers do this: A. develop advertisements. B. exchange goods and services. C. hire new workers. D. collect taxes.
What is B- exchange goods and services?
A refusal to do business with a person, group, or country is: A. treason. B. an assembly. C. a revolution. D. a boycott.
What is D- a boycott?