4.01 Measuring position over Time
4.02 Pushing and pulling position and motion
4.03 Energy makes machines go round
4.04 Let the unbalanced force be with you AND
4.05 Motion Factors
4.07 Simple Machines
A flat tissue and a crumpled tissue are dropped from a high point: which one takes the longest to fall and why?
The flat tissue because it has less air resistance
The less massive an object is the less of this is needed to move it.
What is force?
A pulley works agains what force.
How does friction affect moving objewcts?
Makes them go slower.
What is a screwdriver whe it is used to pry a can top open.
How do forces interact to fly a kite?.
When wind force is greater than the force of gravity.
Two dogs are pulling on a shoe; one gets the shoe. What happened?
The dog with the shoe pulled with greater force.
What should be considered when designing a speedboat to travel through water with the least amount of resistance?
A moving object has balanced forces acting on it. What is its speed?
Constant speed (speed stays the same)
What are roller skates, door knobs, and a wagon?
wheel and axle
A moving object has balanced forces acting on it.
It is moving at a constant speed.
A bus, car, van, and bike began moving from a stoplight. Which takes the least force to move and why?.
The bike; it has less mass and takes less force to move.
Why do most cars today have very smooth surfaces?.
To reduce air resistance
When predicting the outcome of a race involving different sized cars down a ramp you must consider: mass, amount of force, distance, and this.
Using a hoe or a tool like that to cut and dig into soil.
What is a wedge?
A marble is at the top of a rampand there is a paper cup at the bottom: what will make the cup go farter when it is hit by the marble?
The higher the ramp is the more force the marble will have and will push the cup farther.?
A seesaw with two people is not working; one is stuck up and the other stuck down. What can be done to get it going?
The person who weighs more moves toward the middle of the seesaw while the other person stays at the end.
When is moving air the primary force making an object move on water.
When sailing a sailboat
A ball is rolling down an inclined plane. What will happen in terms of speed?
It will speed up
Inclined plane
A line graph show the motion of a car. Whe is it moving at its slowest?
When the line is at or closest to and most parallel to the x axis; not rising up in the graph.
A cart has a mass of 72 kg. How much force will it take to move it?
A force greater than 72 kg.
What happens when a moving object has unbalanced forces acting on it?
It moves faster
Large box and a small box with different masses; how would you study how their different masses affect the distance of a slide or movement? What tools would you use?
Use a balance and a ruler
What effect do simple machines have on people and the work they do?
Simple machines decreases a person's efforts when working, making it easier top do a job