5th Grade ELA
Story Elements
STAAR True/False

This is when two words have a similar meaning.

 What is a synonym?


This is when/where the story takes place.

The setting


You should complete the STAAR as fast as possible.

False: It is more important to do your best, take your time, and use your strategies.


The way nonfiction texts can be organized is more commonly known as?

Text Structure


What figurative language is being used in this sentence “The boy felt like a lion because he was so courageous”

What is a Simile?


The order that things happen in a story

Sequence of Events


When you make a decision about something not explicitly stated in the text, you draw a conclusion.

True: when you conclude you use text evidence and make a decision.


The author's intent to persuade, inform, or entertain.

Author's Purpose


This is what you call a book that talks about a person's life from beginning to end that is written by someone other than the subject.

What is an Biography


The series of events in a story from beginning to end that includes exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

The plot


When completing the Reading STAAR, you should annotate the text and questions using the notepad and other digital tools, prove your answers by finding text evidence to support your thinking and preview questions before reading the passage.

True: This will help you get the correct answer.


Give 3 examples of text features.

Bold print/vocabulary terms, glossary, pictures, captions, headings, graphs/tables/diagrams, bullet points, etc.


This is the a type of text which includes characters, acts, scenes and stage directions.

What is a drama (also known as play)


What point of view is a text that uses: he, she, they, and them?

Third-person point of view


Using your prior knowledge plus something you learned in class last week is called making an inference

False - an inference is the combination of prior knowledge and text evidence


The use of background knowledge and experiences from your own life in combination with specific examples from the text.

What is an inference


DAILY DOUBLE!! This is what you call a point of view of someone telling the story using the pronouns I, me, us, or we? 

What is 1st person?


Point of view: I, me, we, us

First- Person Point of View


The main idea or the central idea is what the text is mostly about.



A comparison that uses like or as

What is a simile?


This genre of writing allows the writer to make a claim and support it with reasons and evidence.

What is an argument


This is a piece of literature that is based on imaginary people, events and worlds

What is Fiction?


When taking the STAAR, you should stay up the night before studying.

False, you will be more focused if you get a good night's sleep.


The trees welcomed us as we drove up the lane.

What is personification?


This is what we call a condensed version of a text that contains only the most important events of a text from the beginning, middle, and end and is usually told in a logical order.

What is a summary?


This is conversation between characters in a literary text usually written between quotation marks.

What is dialogue?


On the day of the STAAR, you should skip breakfast.

False, you should eat a healthy breakfast and feed your brain.


Group of lines in a poem, similar to a paragraph.

What is a stanza?


The order in which things begin and end using words like First, next, then, finally.

What is sequence of events


The message, moral or lesson of the story

What is Theme


During STAAR testing you can use the online tools and a sheet of lined paper to help track your thinking.

True. You do not have to use both, but use at least one (choose the one that you're most comfortable with).


The problem or challenge in a story.

What is the conflict