How many kids does Mrs. Ley have?
What is the name of the newspaper where Peter Parker works in Spiderman?
What is The Daily Bugle ?
What word is spelled wrong in every dictionary?
What is wrong ?
He lives in a pineapple under the sea.
Who is Sponge Bob ?
The ‘Pizza Hut’ franchise began in what country?
What is USA ?
What is the largest brass instrument in an orchestra?
What is the Tuba ?
Which Disney film does the song 'When You Wish Upon a Star' come from?
What is Pinocchio ?
I’m full of keys but I can’t open any door,What am I?
What is a Piano ?
His name origin is "worm" and "needle", and he is a hairy bug Pokemon.
Who is Weedle?
What food is used as the base of guacamole?
What is Avocado ?
Parmesan cheese hails from this country.
What is Italy ?
In the movie Polar Express, where does the young boy travel to by train?
What is The North Pole ?
What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?
What is a glove ?
This TV show starred the characters Lizzie, Cousin Fred, Brother Bear, and Sister Bear.
What was the Berenstein Bears?
Are humans omnivore, herbivore or carnivore?
What is omnivore ?
Played by an estimate 250 million people, this is the most popular sport throughout the world.
What is Soccer ?
How many ugly sisters does Cinderella have?
What is Two ?
Everyone has it and no one can lose it, what is it?
What is a shadow ?
What is the longest running American children's television show in TV history?
What is Sesame Street ?
What is another name for maize?
What is corn ?
What is the name of the highest Mountain in Africa?
What is Mount Kilimanjaro ?
He is Jasmine's tiger from the movie Aladdin.
Who is Rajah?
What begins with T ends with T and has T in it?
What is a teapot ?
How old is Mrs. Ley?
41 years young!
Foods rich in starch such as pasta and bread are often known by what word starting with the letter C?
What is Carbohydrates ?