You have the right to...
Bills to Laws
Monarchy or Republic?
Meanwhile, in Boston..
Famous Figures from the Revolution
Keep and bear these, according to the Second Amendment
What is arms?
Who may come up with the idea for a law?
What is anyone?
Inherited power from parents
What is Monarchy
Tax collectors were sometimes attacked and subjected to one of these two painful punishments
What is tarred and feathered or ridden out of town on a rail?
General in the Revolution, first president of the Republic
What is George Washington?
Freedom of religion, speech, and this...(name ONE)
What is the Press, Petition, and Assembly.
If you want to make the laws in the United States, you must be a member of what governing branch?
What is Congress? (or the Senate or House of Representatives)
Limited terms (number of times/years in office) for lawmakers
What is Republic
Patriots encouraged their neighbors to stop buying British tea. This form of protest is known as this, although girls do it too!
What is boycott?
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, became the 3rd President of the United States
What is Thomas Jefferson?
Punishment for a crime cannot be either this_____, or this__________. Fill in the blanks.
What is cruel and unusual?
Laws are passed in Congress if they have received this much of the vote.
What is 2/3?
Fair and free elections
What is Republic?
This group organized a protest against the Tea Tax, but disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians to avoid detection.
What is the Sons of Liberty?
The King of England at the time of the Revolution
What is King George the 3rd?
The police cannot search or take your possessions unless they have this.
What is a warrant (or a reasonable suspicion that you have commited a crime)?
The Supreme Court judges laws to see if they are THIS word with 14 letters.
What is Constitutional?
Form of government desired by the Patriots during the American Revolution.
What is Republic?
He wasn't very good at business, although a brewery now bears his name. He was, however, an enthusiastic patriot.
Who is Samuel Adams
A member of the Sons of Liberty, known for his signature on the Declaration of Independence
What is John Hancock?
The amendment that protects you from being jailed for criticizing the government, or for talking about it.
What is the First Amendment?
The President can exercise this right if she doesn't approve of a bill becoming a law.
What is the Veto?
All citizens are responsible for being active in government, staying informed, and exercising their power to vote.
What is Republic?
Colonists were forced to house British soldiers who had been sent by King ________, to stop the troubles in the Colony.
What is King George the 3rd?
A political writer who was also the mind behind Daylight Savings, the United States postal service, and the 'discovery' of electricity.
What is Ben Franklin?