Central Idea
Author's Purpose
Text Structure
Making Inferences

Define Central Idea

What is what the text is mostly about/what the author wants to teach us?



What is persuade, inform, and entertain?


The 4 types of text structure.

What are compare/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution, and logical order?


Another name for an inference.

What is an educated guess?


To go above and beyond.

What is transcend?


Details that support the central idea

Supporting details/context clues


Author's purpose is...

What is the reason the author writes the text?


Describes how a problem is solved.

What is problem/solution?

If I went to sleep late at night, I could infer that...

I will be very tired the next morning and may oversleep. 


Someone who is famous for their achievements. 

What is illustrious? 


One sunny afternoon, soccer legends Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi were racing to a big game when they found themselves stuck in traffic. A group of clowns had taken over the road, performing amazing magic tricks that caught everyone's attention. At first, Ronaldo and Messi were upset because they thought they would miss the game. However, as they watched the clowns juggle and pull rabbits out of hats, they started to smile. Instead of rushing, they decided to relax and appreciate the fun, knowing that life is not just about winning but also about having fun along the way.

It's okay to take a break and enjoy the moment sometimes.


The author wants to share information about something with the readers.

What is inform?


Describes how things are similar and different.

What is compare/contrast?


"Kenneth!" Mom called out as she opened the front door. "Please help me with my groceries. Kenneth!" mom called out. Still there was no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen and saw the shattered pieces from the window all over the floor and a baseball not far from there. Why do you think Kenneth was not answering to his mom? Why do you think so?

Kenneth accidentally broke a window while he was outside playing baseball. He's not answering because he doesn't want to get into trouble.


Worked in an uneven way and made popping noises. 

What is sputtered?


In a thrilling soccer match between Manchester City and Manchester United, the stadium buzzed with excitement as fans cheered for their teams. The players dashed across the field, showcasing their skills and determination. Just when it seemed Manchester City had the upper hand, a stray dog ran onto the field and stole the ball! Everyone burst into laughter. Even the players paused for a moment, forgetting about the score. Eventually, Manchester United scored the winning goal, but the real victory was the joy shared by everyone in the stands.

What is having fun is more important than winning, especially when you have fun with others. 


The author wants readers to enjoy the story.

What is entertain?


Explains what happened and why.

What is cause/effect?


_____ + _____ = ___________

What is... 

text evidence + background knowledge = understanding? 


Something impressive and important.

What is prestigious? 


Dylan and Edwan were excited as they set off on their treasure hunt in the dark, mysterious forest. As they walked deeper into the woods, they began to hear creepy sounds that sent shivers down their spines. Suddenly, a ghost jumped out from behind a tree, causing them to scream and run in different directions. In their panic, they got lost and started to argue about what to do next. After a while, they realized that their friendship was more important than the treasure. They worked together to find their way back to safety, learning that sometimes, facing fears together can lead to the best adventures.

What is true friends help each other, even when it is scary? 


The author wants readers to think a certain way.

What is persuade?


Explains events in time order or order of importance.

What is logical order? 


Beep! Beep! It was raining hard and some of the drivers were losing their patience. "I wonder why there is so much traffic", Valerie thought. As she drove, she saw an ambulance and police cars. What is causing the traffic? How do you know?

There was a car accident and it is blocking some of the lanes in the road.


To happen for an obvious reason.

What is evidently?