Inventions and Innovations
Unit 4 Text
Ms. Chapman Trivia
  1. _____________________ Thomas Edison tried to hire Granville T. Woods, they did not work together.



Define an invention 

The act of inventing or creating something, usually a process or a device


Who are the main characters in our new text?

Herbie, Ella, Mama, and Mr. Mital


Tori and her cousins are playing hide-and-seek. Her cousin Bill is the last one hiding. Tori has found everyone else. Bill has a really good hiding place. Tori has already checked the playground, the garden, and even under Grandma’s porch! But, she cannot find Bill. She hears a giggle coming from near Grandpa’s shed. Tori walks quietly over and pulls open the door of the shed. Her other cousins see her point, laugh, and jump up and down. Describe what is happening and how you know

What is Tori found her cousin? 


This is how long it will take Ms. Chapman to get her hair done on Monday 

What is 6 to 7 hours?

  1. _____________________ the house was larger, Ella and Herbie would have their own room.



Define an innovation 

A new method, idea, service, or product


What big change is happening in Herbie and Ella's life at the beginning of the story?

They are moving into a new house 


“Some birthday this is turning out to be,” thought Sam. Instead of wishing him a happy birthday, Sam’s friends had been very quiet around him all day. At the baseball game this morning, all of his friends were whispering in the dugout, but they stopped when Sam walked up. Even his sister did not seem to want to talk to him. She was talking to Mom in the kitchen, but she left the room quickly when she saw Sam. Even Mom and Dad were acting a little strange. They told him the whole family had to go with his sister to dance practice—even though he and Dad normally get to stay home. “A lousy birthday,” thought Sam. As the drive to dance practice ended, Sam looked up. They were not at the dance studio, though. They were at the amusement park. Sam noticed several of his friends waving at him from the entrance. His mom turned around and said, “Surprise, Sam!” Describe what is happening and how you know

What is Sam is having a surprise party at an amusement park?


Laurier asked for the recipe for what dessert that Ms. Chapman made 

The cookie brownie 

  1. _____________________ Mr. Mital was explaining innovators and inventors, he used the bucket brigade as an example.



Describe a bucket brigade 

A line of people who pass buckets of water from one to another to put out a fire


Why did Mr. Mital say no one invented the lightbulb?

Many people worked on the idea of the lightbulb in order to help it be created but it wasn't one singular person 


Kate had recently opened her own restaurant. Her restaurant served various types of pasta. Her specialties were lasagna and cannelloni. At first business was very slow at Kate’s restaurant despite her advertising efforts. Kate decided to use a customer satisfaction survey. After several weeks, Kate looked at the surveys. Customers seemed very satisfied with the quality of the food, but a number of people commented that the prices were steep for the size of the food servings. After reading the surveys Kate decided to create some new advertisements for the radio and the newspaper. Describe what changes Kate will make and how you know.

Kate will make either make her prices cheaper or she can increase the size of the servings of her food.


Ms. Chapman's new favorite snack 

What is a caramel cashew trail mix?

  1. The last person in line of the bucket brigade throws the water on the fire and receives the credit, ________________________ there were lots of others who helped!



What is the name of our new text we are reading? 

What Color is My World?


What do Ella and Herbie decide to do at the end of the story to remember all the things Mr. Mtial has told them?

They both take notes in their notebooks 

Mary and Beth were excited about Saturday. They had planned a picnic in the park. They would ride their bicycles to the park, play for a while, go fishing, and eat the sack lunches they brought. They were also looking forward to walking around the lake and feeding the ducks at the park. On Saturday morning, Mary hopped out of bed and looked out her window. Her shoulders slumped and she frowned. Describe what is happening and how you know.

It is raining outside or there is some kind of weather happening that is going to ruin Mary's plans.


Ms. Chapman's favorite type of weather

200 bonus points if you can remember the type of weather Ms. Chapman called it 

What is 60 to 70 degrees?

What is Hawaii weather?

  1. Inventors oftentimes receive the credit for a big invention, ____________________ they are innovators who built upon the ideas of past scientists.

even though 


What is the difference between an invention and an innovation? 

An invention is a new idea or creation; an innovation improves an existing idea or invention



What job does Ella and Herbie's mom have?

She's a middle school principal 


Jim stomped through the front door after school and tossed his book bag on the floor. He ran up the stairs to his bedroom and slammed his bedroom door. Jim flung himself on the bed and put his pillow over his head. He was never going to talk to Pete again! Describe what is happening and how you know.

Jim and Pete had some sort of fight. They are likely really close since Jim is so upset.



Ms. Chapman's Spring Break plans

What is getting her hair done, getting work done on her car, eating, sleeping, and crying from "This Is Us"?