Multiplication and Division Word Problems
Cause and Effect/ Main Idea
Context Clues/ Inferences

75 x 6 =

What is 450


A library has 3,489 non-fiction books, 8,617 fiction books and 1,240 reference books. 

1. All books, except the reference books, are available for loan. How many books are available for loan?

3,489 + 8,617 = 12,106  

There are 12,106 books available for loan.


What is the CAUSE in the following sentence: The tree fell in the middle of the road because of the high wind. A. high wind B. because C. tree fell D. in the middle of the road

 A- What is high wind


Arnold approached the snake CAUTIOUSLY. He thought it was dead, but he didn't know for sure. What does CAUTIOUSLY mean? a) quickly b) carefully c) carelessly

B - quickly


44 x 13 =

What is 572





 What is the EFFECT in the following sentence The mother bird gathers dried grass to build her nest. A. mother bird B. gathers C. Build her nest D. gathers dried grass 

 C- What is build her nest


I pressed the button and after a few seconds the door opened. I stepped inside and pressed a button with the number 10 on it. The door closed. Then, I felt the floor was moving up. Where am I?

What is an elevator 


The amount that is left over or can be put into groups because the groups will not be equal.

What is a remainder


A hospital has 12 floors. On each floor, there are 294 beds. The hospital employs 196 doctors, 1,772 nurses and 830 supporting staff. 

On a Saturday afternoon, 54 doctors and 597 nurses are on duty in the hospital. How many nurses are off duty?

 1,772 โ€“ 597 = 1,175 

1,175 nurses are off duty. 


The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year. The Statue of Liberty is a 151 foot statue of a woman holding a book and a torch. It is located on an island in New York Harbor. It was a gift of friendship from the people of France. It has become a universal symbol of freedom. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

The Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of people every year.


Denise stared at the IMMENSE pile of laundry and wondered how her children could go through so many clothes in a week. What would be a synonym for IMMENSE?

 Some synonyms for IMMENSE would be, "big, large, massive, huge, overwhelming, enormous"


What are the four steps in long division?

1. Divide

2- Multiply

3- Subtract

4- Bring Down



A hospital has 12 floors. On each floor, there are 294 beds. The hospital employs 196 doctors, 1,772 nurses and 830 supporting staff. 

1. There are 8 wards on each floor and each ward has the same number of beds. There are a few extra beds on each floor for emergency use. How many extra beds are there on each floor?

294 รท 8 = 36R6 

There are 6 extra beds on each floor.


Kangaroos eat grasses, leaves and roots. The joey lives in the mother's pouch for 9 months. They only like grass that is green and close to the ground. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Kangaroos eat grass, leaves and roots.


Elizabeth was so proud of her garden. She planted the seeds early in the spring and watered the plants every morning. Last Friday, her mom called and asked her to come over for the weekend because she was feeling sick. When Elizabeth came back home, her plants were bent and drooping. Why were the plants drooping? How do you know?

 She had not watered them for a few days, so the plants were not doing well.


Double Jeopardy!!

A. The answer you get when you multiply two factors together.

B. The answer to a division problem. 

A- product

B. Quotient



A library has 3,489 non-fiction books, 8,617 fiction books and 1,240 reference books.

Reference books are for use in the library. There are 16 bookshelves for the reference books. After use, they need to be returned to a special collection box for shelving. If 128 reference books are in use and 84 reference books are in the collection box, how many reference books are on the shelf?

1,240 โ€“ 128 โ€“ 84 = 1,028 There are 1,028 reference books on the shelf.