Authors Purpose
Name that
Text Structure
Test Taking

What punctuation is used at the end of a declarative sentence?

A period


What is PIE

Persuade, inform, entertain


What pronouns does the narrator use in 1st person POV texts?

I, me, my, us, we (ect)


If you have never been camping before, imagine a peaceful location surrounded by trees, a running brook, and the crunch of pine needles beneath your feet. Most camps have a fire pit, perfect for building a crackling fire and roasting marshmallows to layer with chocolate and graham crackers.  Foldable camp chairs surround the fire, a comfortable place for families and friends to gather.  A tent filled with sleeping bags is often set up, ready and waiting for sleepy campers to rest their heads.  You may even see a bag of food hanging from a tree above a picnic table, safe from the reach of nosy bears and other wild animals.



A good strategy for multiple choice is 

slash the trash, be slick; perdict


In the following sentence what punctuation mark would be most appropriate? I finally made the team

exclamation point


What is the purpose of this text: Time's almost out. You only have a few hours left to get this bycycle for 50% off.



What pronouns does the narrator use in 2nd person POV

you, your


Are you the type of camper who enjoys the outdoors and wants to snooze under the stars with only the cover of a fabric tent?  Or are you an indoor camper, who prefers the safety of a cabin and a roof over your head? If you choose to camp in a tent, be prepared to spend an hour or two setting up your temporary lodge.  On the other hand, cabin-goers just need to open their front door and plop down their belongings.



When faced with vocabulary questions, I should use

plug it in

What punctuation is used at the end of an interrogative sentence?
A question mark.

What is the purpose of this text:Once there was a little starfish who washed up on a beach. He was scared of all the noise. Suddenly, a little girl walked up to him, picked him up and set him back in the ocean. He lived happily ever after.



What pronouns does the narrator use in 3rd person POV texts?

He, she, they, them (etc)


Sitting around a campfire is a classic summer camping tradition.  Before you can tell scary stories, though, you will need to build your fire.  Begin by gathering fire wood from around your camp.  Then, dig a small pit for your fire and build a ring of stone around it for maximum safety. Place your wood and tinder into the pit and start the fire using an ignition source such as a match.  Once ignited, slightly blow on your flame to build heat.  When you have a flame, use large pieces of firewood to build a teepee.  Now sit back and relax in front of your roaring campfire!

chronological/time/sequence order


I should _________________________ of my questions before answering them

jail the detail

What punctuation is used to separate words in a series?
A comma

What is the purpose of this passage: Soil has many layers. It is good for growing plants. It has hummus in it, which gives the roots lots of minerals.



When reading a text, I should never consider ______________ when determining POV.



Do you have a dog or cat residing at your home? If the answer is yes, be sure to keep onions out of your pet’s reach. Onions contain an ingredient called thiosulfate. They are toxic to cats and dogs. Thiosulfate weakens a cat or dog’s red blood cells. 



The best way to maximize my points opportunity is to

answer every question, even if it is just a guess


What punctuation marks separate two independent clauses and take the place of the word "and"?

A semi colon (;)


What are the purposes of this text: Chicken is much healthier to eat than pork. Chicken has less sodium, less fat and less calories than pork. It is easier to digest. Go get some chicken today.

inform and persuade


3rd person Omniscient know the feelings of

more than 1 characters


What are the 5 text structures we have learned so far?

chronological order, compare/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution, description


All my essays should be written using