Library Rules
Book Care Rules
Checkout Rules
Library Layout

This should be your voice level during library instruction

What is 0? Voices Off


This is what you should use to save your place in a library book.

What is a bookmark (DON'T dog-ear the book).


5th graders can have a MAXIMUM of this many books checked out at one time. 

What is four books.


Name at least two kinds (genres) of books in our library.

What is nonfiction, fiction, graphic novels, picture books, biographies, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, historical fiction. 


Nonfiction books are identified by these.

What are numbers 000-999? Or What are the call numbers.


This should be your voice level during group work and book checkout

What is 1? Quiet Voices!


This is how you hold your book when walking.

What is hug the book OR down by your side?


5th graders can checkout this many books during a library visit (if they have not reached their maximum book checkout limit).

What is two


Fiction and Picture Books are categorized/organized on the shelves according to this information.

What is by the author's last name?


You could find a book about George Washington in this section.

What is biography?


You should do this if you have a question during instruction. 

What is raise your hand.


You need to do this if your book is lost or destroyed.

What is replace the book or pay for the book (Talk to Ms. Waters)


If you haven't finished reading a book, you should do this.

What is bring it back and renew it.


This is the name of the NH book awards for 4th-6th graders that you may read and vote on every year.

What are the Great Stone Face books.


The name of the program on the computer that you can use to look up books.

What is Alexandria? 


How/what should you do when you enter the library for class

What is enter quietly and sit in your assigned seat? 


You should do this if your book is damaged.

What is bring it to Ms. Waters (Don't fix it yourself)


After you choose your new books, this is what you should be doing and where. 

What is return to your table and read?


This is how you can find the  New Hampshire award books in our library.

What is on the Great Stone Face shelf in the front of the library and/or by looking for GSF stickers on the book spines. 


Books are considered nonfiction when they discuss  these type of subjects.

What is true stories, information and facts?


Three things that might happen if you're not following rules. You must name at least two to earn the points

What is.. 

1) Verbal Warning

2) Quiet Chair 

3) Contact parent and or/principal


These are the three most common ways that books get damaged (name at least two).

What is water or pets or young children?


With this many books available to choose from, everyone can find something to read and enjoy. (Estimate number)

What is 15,000?


This is the name of the system we use to organize our Nonfiction books. (It is based on keeping books on the same subject together on the shelves.) 

What is Dewey Decimal System?


Where you should put your return books if you are bringing them with you to library class.

What is on Ms. Waters's desk so she can check them in.