Number Sense
Ailyn has 309,456 Stitch toys. Tristan has 95,865 toys less than Ailyn. How many toys does Tristan have?
What is 213,591?
What is the GCF of 100 and 50
What is 2?
(2.5 x 1.26) + (0.8 x 1.20)
What is 4.11?
How many degrees are equal to a scalene triangle?
What is 180 degrees?
What is the perimeter of a rectangle that measures 7 cm length and 8 cm width?
What is 30 cm?
8 x 12
What is 96?
Write in standard form:
fifty and 8 thousandths
What is 50.008?
16 x 56
What is 896?
3/6 x 5/6
What is 15/36 or 5/12?
5.35 + 2.2
What is 7.55?
A parallelogram has four right angles.
True or False
What is False?
What is the area of a square that is 11 cm length?
What is 121 square cm?
490 / 7 =
What is 70?
Messiah got behind on his reading assignment, so he had to read four chapters last night. he started at 8:05 p.m. and finished at 9:15 p.m. How long did it take Messiah to catch up on his assignment?
What is 1 hour and 10 minutes?
100,000,000 + 40,000,000 + 6,000,000 + 900,000 + 30,000 + 7,000 + 200 + 50 + 8 represented in standard form.
What is 146,937,258?
58 1/4 - 57 7/8
What is 1 5/8?
.3 x .2
What is .06?
1/2 of a square is equal to _______ degrees
What is 180 degrees?
A rectangular prism has a length of 9 inches, a width of 8 inches and a height of 4 inches.
What is the volume?
What is 288 in3
.4 x .2
What is .08?
This shape has 6 sides.
What is a hexagon?
The relationship between the 4 in 23,142 and the 4 in 23,412 is ....
What is the 4 in 23,412 is ten times greater than the 4 in 23,142.
Or ... the 4 in 23,142 is 1/10 the value of the 4 in 23,412
4 - 2 2/6 (make sure to simplify)
What is 1 2/3?
12.59 - 8.16
What is 4.43?
What kind of triangle has two acute angles?
What is Isosceles?
14 yards = __inches
What is 504 inches?
Round 0.457 to the nearest tenth
What is .5?
A quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides parallel.
What is a trapezoid?
Morgan buys 50 dolls and her sister buys 25 dolls. The price for one toy is $10. How much money did they spend?
What is $750?
11 5/6 - 7 2/3
What is 4 1/6?
12.2 x .2
What is 2.44?
A triangle has a 45 degree angle and a 47 degree angle. What is the missing angle?
What is 88 degrees?
5 gallons and 2 quarts = ___ fluid ounces
What is 704 fluid ounces?
1,824 / 6
What is 304?
The perimeter of a regular pentagon with 5 in. sides.
What is 25 in.?
Which of the following are prime numbers?
2, 4, 7 , 9 , 12, 15, 24, 29, 31, 39
What is 2, 7, 29, 31 ?
Matayla bought 4¾kg of chicken. She cooked 2¼kg and refrigerate the rest. How many kg of chicken were left?
What is 2 1/2 or 5/2kg?
36.2 / 4
What is 9.05?
A trapezoid has _______ pairs of parallel sides.
What is one pair of parallel sides?
5 kilometer = ___meters
What is 5,000 meters?
182 x 60 =
What is 10,920?
What is 1,076 R3?