What is 40,071 written in word form.
forty thousand, seventy-one
0.6 L = _____ mL
What common factor should you divide the numerator and denominator of 16/24 by so that it's in simplest form?
Evaluate 25.4 - 16.31 + 4.59.
55.2 ÷ 12 = ____
Descartes estimates 96.3 x 42 by rounding each number to the nearest ten. What is Descarte's estimate?
If a swimming pool is filled with water at a rate of 15 gallons per minute, how many gallons of water will it contain after 3 hours?
2,700 gallons
1 1/12
8 + 2 x (3² - 4) ÷ 2
What is the quotient of 5 and 1/8?
What is 10² x 200?
A rectangular garden is 12 yards long and 9 yards wide. What is the perimeter of the garden in feet?
126 feet
The fifth grade classes are making a mural to hang in the front hallway of the school. Each class creates a square for the mural that has side lengths of 1/2 meter. What is the area of each square?
1/4 m²
6 x 3/10 = ___
1 4/5
What number will be in the 10th position? 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ...
An Eastern Hognose Snake is 2 1/2 feet long. It grows another foot. What is the new length of the snake in inches?
42 inches
Subtract the mixed numbers: 4 2/3−2 1/4 = ___
2 5/12
7 1/2 yards
5/6 x 3/4 = ___
Your friend estimates that a bookcase is 2 1/2 feet wide. The actual width is 2/3 foot longer. What is the width of the bookcase?
3 1/6 feet
You need thirty 5-foot pieces of string for a project. A store sells string by the yard. How many yards of string will you need to buy?
50 yards
Newton brings 3 bags of popcorn that are all the same size to a club. There are 12 people at the club. Each person eats the same amount of popcorn and all of the popcorn is eaten. What fraction of a bag of popcorn does each person eat?
To find 34 + (16 + 23), your friend adds 34 and 16. Then she adds 23 to the sum. Which property did she use?
Associative Property of Addition
What is the product of 845 and 237?