Double Jeopardy!!!!
The place value of the 5 in 127,487.05
What is the hundredths place
15 x (7 - 7) + (5 x 2) = ?
Round to the hundredths place: 24.367
What is 24.37
392 divided by 6
What is 65 R 2
5/12, 2/9
Common Denominator
What is 36
7 x 103 = ?
What is 7 000
[(4+(3 x 6)] + 10 + 1
Subtract: 4,002 - 1,764
72,059 ÷ 76 =
What is 948 r.11
3/8, 5/6
Common Denominator
What is 24
103 x 675
What is 675,000
[(6 x 4) ÷ 3]2 - 6 + 22
Double Jeopardy!!!!!
Round to the nearest ten thousand: 54,803
What is: 50,000
Josh used 1.9 meters of wood to make one sign, so how many meters of wood will he need to make 48 signs?
What is 91.2 meters
2/9, 1/6
Common Denominator
What is 18
What is the expanded form of 723.871?
What is (7 x 100) + (2 x 10) (3 x 1) + (8 x 0.1) + (7 x 0.01) + (1 x 0.001)
(2 + 52) + 4 x 3 - 10
Subtract: 93.45 - 39.6
What is 53.85
89.23 x 53 =
5/12 + 1/8
What is 13/24
What is the standard form of
eighty-three million, twenty-three thousand, seven and six hundredths?
What is 83,023,007.06
12 - 8 ÷ 4 + [(6 + 2) - 3]2 x 3
794.2 - 28.7 =
What is 765.5
42.598 x 23.2 =
What is 988.2736
9/10 - 1/2 =
What is 4/10 or 2/5