Text Structure
Point of View

Ice-cream is a delicious frozen treat that comes in a many different colors and flavors. Two of my favorite flavors are strawberry and chocolate. Though both of these flavors are delicious, strawberry may contain pieces of fruit while chocolate usually will not. Even though more chocolate ice-cream is sold across the country annually than strawberry, each flavor tastes great inside of a milk shake.

compare and contrast


Kim’s diet was terrible. All she ate was chips and sweets and jelly sandwiches on white bread. She was overweight and she was always tired. When her doctor told her that she felt bad because of what she was eating, Kim was amazed. She didn’t realize that she had so much power to make herself feel better. Kim stopped eating junk food and started eating fruits and vegetables. In a few weeks she felt like a new person.



Jeremy and his sister frequently got into arguments about her being in Jeremy’s room without permission. She never seemed to put Jeremy’s things back in the right place. Jeremy desperately wanted to find a solution. He didn’t like to fight with his sister, but he really needed his own space. He asked his parents for help.

3rd person


These athletes train a great deal. They eat a very healthy diet. Some compete in short races and others compete in long races called marathons. What is the sport?



What was the theme of Bud, Not Buddy?

Never give up


The ice-cream shop around the corner from my house has the best ice-cream in the city. When you first walk inside, there is a long chrome counter with matching stools extending to alongside the far wall. Right where the counter stops, the booth seating begins. There are lots of old-timey knickknacks on the walls and chrome napkin holders on all the tables. My favorite part of the shop is behind the counter glass, where they keep all of the ice-cream flavors. A rainbow of delicious sugary flavors is kept cool and delicious behind the counter glass.



. Wendy enjoyed spending time with her grandmother. Her grandmother told her stories about what the world was like when she was a little girl, a very long time ago. Wendy also liked her grandmother’s caramel cake and blackberry cobbler. There was only one problem. Wendy’s grandmother always made casseroles for dinner. Wendy didn’t want to hurt her grandmother’s feelings. But she hated casseroles, and she couldn’t help hesitating before taking a bite. But she did take a bite, because she loved the way that her grandmother’s eyes lit up when she saw Wendy eating her home‐cooked food. When Wendy’s grandmother smiled, suddenly the casserole didn’t taste so bad.



A story speaking directly to you, and referring to you is an example of what point of view?

2nd person


The girl showed the lady her ticket. Then she walked down the stairs and found her seat. The players ran onto the field. They got into their positions. The ball went up in the air and the game began. Where was the girl?

football game


What happened when the dogs sniffed the white napkin that was in Annemarie's picnic basket?

They lost their sense of smell


Freezer burn may have wasted more ice-cream than sidewalks. If you don’t know, freezer burn is when ice crystals form on the surface of ice-cream. These ice crystals can ruin the texture and flavor of the ice cream. But you can prevent freezer burn. Since freezer burn is caused when melted ice-cream is refrozen, rather than eating your ice-cream from the container as it melts, scoop your ice-cream into a bowl and put the container back in the fridge immediately. Doing this ought to help you solve your issues with freezer burn.

problem and solution


A donkey and a fox decided to team up to find food together. They were travelling in the forest when they crossed paths with a lion. They were both scared. But the fox hoped to save himself. He approached the lion and offered to help him get the donkey, if the lion would let him escape unharmed. The theme of this story is: The lion agreed. So the fox and the donkey walked on, with the lion trailing behind them. The fox led the donkey to a hidden pit, left by some long‐ago hunter as a trap for wild animals, and the donkey fell in. As soon as the donkey was in the pit, the lion came out of hiding and ate the fox. Then he ate the donkey.

Betraying a friend also hurts you


This point of view uses key words like: he, she, him, her, they, and them

3rd person


Mailboxes are lined outside the door. There is a long counter inside with scales. You can buy stamps, envelopes, and boxes. There are slots where you can mail a letter and long rows of boxes where some people go to pick up their mail. What is this place?

post office


A genre that contains fictional elements, while incorporating real history.

historical fiction


No one knows the true origin of ice-cream, but the first published ice-cream recipe appears in “Mrs. Mary Eales's Receipts,” a cook book that was printed in London in 1718. Sometime around 1832, an African American confectioner named Augustus Jackson created multiple ice cream recipes and invented a superior technique to manufacture ice cream. Ice cream soda was invented around 1874, but the real breakthrough may have been at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, when the American ice-cream cone was unveiled!



A fly bit a bald man on the head. The man tried to shoo the fly away. But the fly landed on the man’s head and bit him again. This made the man furious. He slapped his head to squash the fly, but the fly few away just before the man delivered a stinging slap to his own head. The fly landed on the man’s head a third time and laughed at him. “You would hurt yourself just to get back at me?” he taunted. The man was so enraged that he tried to hit the fly with a rock. Instead he knocked himself, senseless, to the ground.

Revenge hurts the avenger


The Diary of a Wimpy Kid is an example of what point of view?

1st person


The boy rode his bike to his friend's house after dinner. When he got there, he rang the bell. He waited, but no one came to the door. He looked in the driveway. The car was not there. There were no lights on and the windows were all closed. The boy got back on his bike and went home. What did the boy think?

no one was home


The students walked into Mrs. Morrison's classroom talking loudly and running around.  What was the effects of this?

Lose a gem, go back into the hallway, Mrs. Morrison would be disappointed. 


Making ice-cream is not easy. Cream and sugar have to first be mixed in a frozen container. Ingredients may be added at this point, if desired. The mixture must be stirred and whipped until the cream and sugar mixture is frozen. Depending on the equipment, this may take as long as an hour. After the ice-cream is prepared, it must be kept frozen until it is ready to be enjoyed. Making ice-cream is difficult, but most people would agree that it is worth the trouble.



 Kevin was walking home from school when he saw a little girl getting picked on by one of Kevin’s classmates. He felt sorry for her, but he did not stop to help her. A few weeks later, the same classmate began picking on Kevin.

What goes around comes around OR stick up for whats right because you never know when it could happen to you.


In this point of view the narrator is limited to knowing what happened from one character's thoughts.

3rd person


The bear ate lots of nuts and fish. Her fur got thick. She prepared her den. The leaves fell from the trees and the days turned colder. What was the bear getting ready to do?



Some bees have stingers, some do not.  Comparison or contrasting?
