Earth's Rotation
Day and Night
Sun's Path
Fun Facts

What is Earth's rotation?

Earth’s rotation is when the Earth spins around an invisible line called an axis. It takes about 24 hours to spin all the way around once.


What makes it day or night?

It’s daytime when our part of Earth faces the Sun, and it’s night when our part of Earth faces away from the Sun.


Where does the Sun go at night?

The Sun seems to disappear at night because our part of Earth has spun away from it.


What happens to shadows at noon?

At noon, shadows are the shortest because the Sun is directly overhead.


What planet are we on?

We live on planet Earth, which is the third planet from the Sun in our solar system!


How long does it take for Earth to spin around once?

It takes about 24 hours, or one whole day, for Earth to complete one full spin around its axis.


Why do we have day and night?

Day and night happen because Earth spins on its axis, making the Sun appear and disappear in the sky.


What does the Sun do in the sky during the day?

The Sun appears to move across the sky from east to west because Earth is spinning from west to east.


How do shadows change during the day?

Shadows change in length and position throughout the day as the Sun appears to move across the sky.


Why is Earth like a spinning top?

Like a spinning top, Earth constantly rotates on its axis, which keeps it stable and creates our day and night.


What is an axis?

An axis is an imaginary line that Earth spins around. For Earth, it goes between the North and South Poles.


How does Earth's spin cause day and night?

Earth’s spin on its axis causes different parts to face the Sun (day) or face away (night) as it turns.


Why does the Sun rise in the east and set in the west?

The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west because Earth rotates in the opposite direction, from west to east.


Why are shadows longer in the morning and evening?

Shadows are longer in the morning and evening because the Sun is lower in the sky, making shadows stretch out longer.


Can we feel Earth spinning?

No, we can’t feel Earth spinning because it moves steadily and we’re moving with it!


What would happen if Earth stopped spinning?

If Earth stopped spinning, one side would always face the Sun (permanent day) and the other side would always be dark (permanent night).


How do we know Earth is spinning?

We know Earth is spinning because we experience the regular cycle of day and night and see the Sun, Moon, and stars appear to move across the sky.


What is the path the Sun follows called?

The path the Sun appears to follow across the sky is called its apparent path or daily arc.


How can we use shadows to tell time?

We can use a sundial, which uses the position of shadows cast by the Sun to show the time of day.


What does Earth's spin affect besides day and night?

Earth's spin also affects the weather patterns and ocean currents because of how it influences the atmosphere and water movements.


How fast is Earth spinning at the equator?

At the equator, Earth is spinning about 1,000 miles per hour!


What would a day look like at the North or South Pole?

At the poles, during summer, the Sun doesn’t set for months, and during winter, it doesn’t rise, leading to days or nights that last for months.


How does the Sun's path change with the seasons?

The Sun's path gets higher in the sky during summer and lower during winter, changing the angle and length of shadows.


How do shadows at the equator compare to those at the poles?

At the equator, shadows are very short around noon because the Sun is almost directly overhead, while at the poles, shadows can be very long or nearly non-existent depending on the season.


What's another name for one complete turn of Earth on its axis?

Another name for one complete turn of Earth on its axis is a "rotation."