5th grade Math
5th Grade History
5th Grade English
5th Grade Science
5th Grade Geography
5th grade trivia

These are the properties of a square

What are Four Equal Sides and Four Right Angles?


 He invented the light bulb.

Who is Thomas Edison?

Thomas Edison was the father of landmark inventions, including the phonograph, the modern light bulb, the electrical grid, and motion pictures. 

Contrary to popular belief, he didn't "invent" the lightbulb, but rather he improved upon a 50-year-old idea. In 1879, using lower current electricity, a small carbonized filament and an improved vacuum inside the globe, he was able to produce a reliable, long-lasting source of light.


The the most intense, exciting, or important point of a story.

What is the Climax?


The three different states of matter.

What are Solid, Liquid, and Gas?


This country is both an island and a continent?

What is Australia?


This is the primary difference between ocean water and fresh water?

What is Salt?


This is an angle less than 90 degrees.

What is an Acute angle?


This is the name of the first African American President.

Who is President Barack Obama?


The person in a novel who tells the story.

Who is the narrator?

(You hear his voice now, don't you? )


What is faster: light or sound?

What is Light?


This is a measurement of location east or west of the prime meridian at Greenwich, an imaginary north-south line measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds

What is longitude?


The seven continents of the world.

What are Asia, Africa, North American, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia


If I had eight dozen eggs, I would have this many eggs in total.

What is 96?

12 x 8 = 96


This War won the United States Independence

What is the Revolutionary War


"Yesterday, Juan went walking in the lush green jungle."

Name the subject of the sentence.

(Who) What is ''Juan" ?


Warm blooded, milk-producing animal that breathes air, has a backbone, and grows hair at some point during its life.

What are mammals?


Hawaii is located in this body of water

What is the Pacific?


Water is the most-consumed liquid in the world. What is second?

What is Tea?


Our bus was scheduled to arrive 3:15 pm, but it was thirty-five minutes late. We arrive at this time instead.

What is 3:50pm?


This copper statue, a gift to the US from France in 1886, was designed by sculptor Frédéric Bartholdi and built by Gustave Eiffel. 

What is the Statue of Liberty?


The central character of a story or plot, who moves the story along.

Who is the Main Character?

Who is the Protagonist?


These are the two poles of a magnet.  Hint: Also the names of the two poles on Earth

What are North and South?


The Earth's five oceans.

What are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern (Antarctic) oceans?


Riddle: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?

What are footsteps?


This many seconds make 1 hours (1:00)

What is 3600 seconds?

60 (minutes) x 60 (seconds in a minute) = 3600


He wrote "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered on Aug. 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.? 


 J.R.R. Tolkien wrote this book series.

What is Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit?


The freezing point of water

0 degrees Celsius, 32 degrees Fahrenheit


Name one of the five Great Lakes

Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario


These four US states start with the letter "A"

What are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, and Arizona?