Always be ____________, you never know what someone is going through
What time is breakfast?
How do you know what your job is for the 2 week rotation?
Look at the job board and find your number.
What is 1 expectation for lining up?
Eyes forward
Quiet mouths
Hands behind your back
What time is lunch?
True or False
You have 2 weeks to finish work that is incomplete.
False- Work is always due the next school day unless specified.
How long do specials last this year?
45 minutes
True or False:
Turning off the lights is a job for the "Official Organizer" group.
True or False?
It is okay to go back to your classroom if you forget something.
FALSE- You will have to get it to the teacher later.
Unfinished work
Book Buzzing
lunch detention
What happens if you are absent?
You must meet with the teacher during lunch to get your missing assignments, have them explained and be given instruction if necessary.
True or False? All students will be having band or choir this year.
When do we wipe down the classroom furniture?
How can you earn a letter for Class Compliments?
Getting a compliment from another teacher on campus
Asst. Principal
What day of the week can you come in to finish missing work during lunch?
In this classroom, Ms. Pfeiffer ________ you and you ____________ her.
When you are finished with your daily work, what are your options?
Work on missing work
Math iReady
Help someone with an assignment
Fun math sheets
Explain what the Tech Team does.
They are in charge of the laptops making sure they are plugged in correctly, the door is shut on the cart and that the cart is plugged in.
Explain what our line should look like when we move across campus
Single file
Mouths closed
Looking forward
If you see something at recess that could be harmful to another student, what should you do?
Tell a teacher immediately!
Explain our #1 Classroom rule...
If what you're doing interferes with learning, hurts someone's heart or prevents you from being your best self, you shouldn't be doing it.
How many days do we have P.E. on our 6 day rotation
Explain one task for each of the 6 job groups
Helping Hands, Recess Rulers, Official Organizers, Cleaning Club, Tech Team, Teacher Crew
Helping hands: Turn off lights
Recess Rulers: Bring in sports equipment
Official Organizers: Make sure the resource table is stocked and clean
Cleaning Crew: Trash collectors
Tech Team: Ensure that laptops are plugged in
Teacher Crew: Answer the phone
Give one reason why Ms. Pfeiffer has specific routines and transitions.
To maximize learning time
To ensure safety
To establish respect
So we can move onto fun
Define Bullying...
Consistent unkind and unwanted behavior shown to a particular student.