Poetic Elements
Prose/Drama Elements
Text Structure & Features
Author's Purpose & Perspective
Word Meaning

Give 3 examples of an ONOMATOPOEIA

Responses may vary: Bang, Pow, Kapow, Ring, Plop, Screech, etc


What is dialogue?

Words spoken from the characters.


"The author writes a passage explaining how to distinguish a panther from a bobcat by sharing characteristics and features of each." 

This is an example of what text example?

Compare and Contrast


What are 3 reasons why an author might write a passage or story (the purpose)?

Hint: P.I.E

To persuade, inform, or to entertain.


Micro- means?



Name 5 poetic elements that we've learned this year.

Figurative language




Line Breaks

Free Verse


List the 6 story elements.

Characters, Setting, Theme, conflict, resolution, key events/details


Not to be confused with sequential, this text structure presents facts, events, and and/or details in the order in the order in which they occurred in time.



Give us a definition for author's perspective.

Refers to the author's thoughts, feelings, and actions about certain events in a story. 


Anti- means?



Give an example of a SIMILE

Responses may vary


Why do author's use italicized words found in a drama/play/story? 

To show the reader's the actions of the characters...so we can visualize the play/drama/story,


"An instructional guide providing a detailed, step-by-step process of how to assemble a model of the solar system" is an example of what type of text structure?



What is the author's purpse for writing this paragraph?

Hummingbirds are one of the smallest birds. They live in the Western Hemisphere od the world. Hummingbirds like to drink nectar from flowers, but they also eat insects such as mosquitos, spiders, and gnats.

To inform the reader about the characteristics of Hummingbirds.


If the word part "mal" means "bad", what might definition of the word "malfunction" mean?

To not work properly, functioning badly


Give an example of an IDIOM and then interprets its meaning.

Responses may vary.


What is the theme of this short video?

Kindness, think the best about people, problem solve


This type of text structure presents information in sections, beginning with the central idea, and followed by an explanation of the features, characteristics, and/or examples of the topic.



What is the author's perspective of Susan B. Anthony?

Susan B. Anthony was a dedicated woman who played an important part in women's rights.


If the root word "form" means shape, what do you think the definition of the word "format" is?

"The book "Dog Man" is available in other formats: as a paper back and as an electronic book."

To shape or arrange something out>


What element of figurative language is an exaggerated statement, not to be taken literally from what it actually says?



Daily Double (points double) What is the theme of this poem?

Cherish/Treat the things that you value with meaning and care.

Sometimes good things don't last forever.


Information that is present in a way that might convey a dilemma, then presents a process to solve that issue is?

Problem & Solution


What's the author's purpose of this following passage? Based off of Tash's actions, what type of person is she?

"Tash looked up; the sun was still high in the sky. the demon hunt happened at the end of the day. She could feel her stomach begin to tighten with nerves now. She just wanted to get on with it. First, Gravell had to coat the walls of the pit, then take cover in the nearby bushes and wait. Only when he saw the demon leap into the pit would he move forward, harpoons in hand. Timing was everything and they had it down to an art now, but it was Tash who risked her life, Tash who attracted the demon, Tash who had to know when to start running to draw the demon after her, Tash who had to outrun the demon, jump into the pit and, at the last possible moment, grab the rope and be hoisted out."

Purpose: To Entertain

Tash is brave, smart/intelligent, prepared, willing, etc.


Using the word part given, determine the meaning of the given word:

Quad-four ; Ped-relates to feet

What is a quadruped?

A creature with four legs/feet.