Sources Please?
Native Americans
African Empires
European Exploration
Define a Primary Source
What is an artifact or document from when historical event took place?
What best describes the Native American group that was located primarily in deserts and mountains which had strict use of water due to the dry climate and warm temperatures? This tribe was also known for pottery and nomadic hunting.
What is Southwest?
Describe the Vegetation Region where Ghaha, Mali, and Songhay were located?
What is Savanna?
Identify 2 of the European Powers who were looking for new trade routes and eventually exploration?
What is Spain, England, French, Portugal?
Describe Columbus Relationship with the Native Americans?
What is Very Poor? Claimed them as slaves.
What is a Secondary Source?
What is a document or artifact that was created a period of time after that historical event took place.
What best describes the Native American group located in an area with rocky shores and mountainous areas that relied on their forest to build their houses and made rain gear from bark?
What is the Northwest?
Identify the 3 major African Empires
What is Ghana, Mali, and Songhay
What are merchant?
What is a person who makes a living by buying and selling goods.
What was the original goal of Columbus' trip that landed him in North America?
What is finding a shortcut to North America?
Primary or Secondary: A textbook chapter about George Washington
What is Secondary
True or False: A group of Native American Tribes in the Eastern Woodland came together and formed the Iroquois League.
What is True
This place was located in West Africa where slaves were captured and kept until they were sent to the New World?
What is the Elmina Castle?
Why were European Empires looking for other trade routes using ocean routes?
What is looking for safer routes, not trading with as many merchants, cheaper routes that will make them rich?
Where were some troubles that Columbus had before his journey and on his journey? List one of each.
What is getting funding for his trip, people not taking him seriously, almost running out of food and water, crew almost rebelled?
Primary or Secondary: The Diary of Anne Frank
What is Primary
How did the majority of Native Americans reach North American around the year 500?
What is the Land Bridge or Ice Bridge?
Describe some similarities in terms of how all 3 Empires rose to power. List 2 reasons
What is Trade Routes, Gold, Strong Leadership, Expanded Armies
Name 2 of the Countries that the Vikings came from in Europe?
What is Denmark, Sweden, and Norway?
What was the Columbian Exchange?
What is the exchange of ideas between the New World and the Old World?
Primary or Secondary: An autobiography of Michael Jordan
What is Primary
What best describes the Native American group that consist of an area that extends from the East Coast to the Mississippi River? They were known for their skilled farming and using rivers for transportation.
What is the Eastern Woodlands?
What are some ways that the African Empires fell apart? (List 2 reasons)
What is Poor Leadership, Losing Trade Routes, Attacks from other areas, Droughts
Who is John Cabot?
What is the explorer hired by England to explore the New World after Columbus returned?
What happened to Columbus on his 3rd and final trip to the New World?
What is sent back in handcuffs because Spain thought he was trying to get rich and take advantage of them.