5th Grade Science 1
5th Grade Science 2
5th Science 3
5th Grade 4
Science 5

 It means an energy source that has a continuous supply (solar power, wind power) we can make more in a short time: 

Renewable or Non-renewable



This is the fifth and largest planet from the sun?



What are 2 of the 3 types of Consumers? 

Herbivore, Omnivore, and Carnivore


Organisms that make their own food



When looking at a food web or food chain, where does ALL the energy come from?



It means natural substance that is not replenished (oil, coal) takes millions of years to form: 

 Renewable or Non-renewable



Light rays bouncing off a smooth, shiny surface is called



All living things need resources to survive. Which of the following is NOT a resource that both plants and animals need to survive?

A shelter

B air

C sunlight

D water

A shelter


Name two of four of Earth’s spheres..

 Geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere


Give me 2 examples of a decomposer 

mushrooms, fungi, bacteria, earthworms, etc. 


A material that allows heat or electrical energy to pass through it easily: 

 Insulator or Conductor



If there is a change to the environment or ecosystem an organism will? 


Adapt  or



What is the earth system that contains all life on Earth?



A living thing that must eat other organisms to obtain energy necessary for life?



Which process will happen when the sun interacts with the ocean?

F Rain will fall only on the land.

G Water will not evaporate at nighttime.

H Salt water will become fresh water vapor.

J Precipitation will happen less often.

H Salt water will become fresh water vapor.


A student plans to make a chart that describes each process in the water cycle. Which sentence should the student use to describe the process of condensation? 

A) Water flows downhill.

B) Liquid water turns into water vapor.

C) Polar ice turns into liquid water. 

D) Water vapor collects to form droplets.

D) Water vapor collects to form droplets.


Which observation describes barracudas interacting with the LIVING elements of their ecosystem?

F Barracudas can travel quickly using surface ocean currents.

G Barracudas live around hard structures such as oil rigs and jetties.

H Barracudas are predators of other fish.

J Barracudas tend to live in warm waters.

H Barracudas are predators of other fish.


when a liquid changes to a gas it is called 



______________________ is a force that pulls objects toward each other.



What type of energy is produced through methods that do not release greenhouse gases or any other pollutants.

Clean Energy


Material that does not allow heat or electricity to pass through easily:

 Insulator or Conductor



What are two of the 3 types of Fossil Fuels?


Natural Gas



A group of students at a park used a collecting net to capture several insects. The teacher transferred the insects to small terrariums that allowed the students to observe the insects before releasing them outside. Each of the following characteristics is likely an inherited trait EXCEPT — 

A a fly’s missing antenna

B a butterfly’s black-and-yellow stripes

C a dragonfly’s two sets of wings

D a beetle’s green spots

A a fly’s missing antenna


Students observe a glass of ice and water. The glass is dry on the outside. After ten minutes students see drops of water on the outside of the glass. Which statement best explains the students’ observations? 

A The water vapor in the air changes to a liquid when it touches the cold glass.

B The cold water inside the glass rises and then slides down the outside of the glass.

C The ice in the glass melted and caused the water to overflow the glass.

D The water moved to the outside surface through tiny holes in the glass.

A The water vapor in the air changes to a liquid when it touches the cold glass.


How long does it take for Earth to orbit the sun? 

365 days


Which statement best explains why the sun appears to move across the sky during the day? 

F. The Earth is closest to the sun in the winter.

G. The Earth is revolving around the sun.

H. The Earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees. 

J. The Earth is rotating on its axis.

J. The Earth is rotating on its axis.


A student recorded the time it took for all the water in a puddle on a sidewalk to evaporate after a rain. Which kind of energy causes water to evaporate?

A Light energy from streetlights

B Sound energy from passing cars

C Thermal energy from the environment

D Mechanical energy from nearby streets

C Thermal energy from the environment


When a gas(water vapor) changes to a liquid it is called



What causes the four seasons (fall, winter, spring, and summer)

Earth's orbits or revolution around the Sun. 50 Bonus points if your said Earth's tilt too


Name one example that produces clean energy.

Solar energy

Hydro energy

Wind energy


When talking about weather and climate, True or False: 

Weather conditions change day to day



What is one of the 4 types of precipitation? 

Rain, Snow, Sleet, and Hail


Which of the following is an example of erosion?

A the root of a tree grows into a rock and splits it

B a glacier picks up a rock and moves the rock and bits of sediment

C ice forms in a rock and causes the rock to break

D heat and cooling causes a rock to break apart

B a glacier picks up a rock and moves the rock and bits of sediment


The Sun rises in the _____ and sets in the ______

East - West 


What are the 4 parts of the Water Cycle?

Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, and Runoff 


What is the name for long term weather patterns (Year to Year)?




A plant or animal that breaks down dead organisms is called



What are 3 things that are necessary for a plant to undergo photosynthesis?

Carbon Dioxide, Sunlight, and Water


Eric is making a recipe and heated some butter. What physical property of the butter did heating demonstrate?

A volume

B texture

C melting point

D weight

C melting point


What is one benefit of using renewable resources to produce energy?

A-Renewable resources are available everywhere.

B-Renewable resources cannot be used up permanently.

C-Producing energy from renewable resources is easy.

B-Renewable resources cannot be used up permanently.


What is it called: takes 1 day (or 24 hours) for the Earth to spin on its axis?

a Rotation 


This is the process of when broken down rock/sediments is moved or carried away due to wind, water, or ice



 For a class demonstration a student turned off the lights in the classroom. The student then shined light from a flashlight through a hole in a piece of cardboard. The class saw the narrow beam of light continue until another student placed a mirror in the light’s path. The light did not continue past the mirror because — 

A light cannot travel very far

B the mirror absorbed all the light

C the light was refracted (bent) back to the light source

D light travels in a straight line and cannot go around objects

D light travels in a straight line and cannot go around objects


What is the biggest factor that determines the strength of an object's gravitational pull?

A-Its mass

B-Its chemical composition

C-Its shape

A-Its mass


What are the three R's of recycling. 

reduce, reuse and recycle


Which of these items is less dense than water? The item would float on water...

A. Golf Ball

B. Rock

C. Eraser 

D. Oil

D. Oil


You finish your investigation and draw your conclusion. If your conclusion is correct, what should happen if you repeat the investigation?

A You should reach a new conclusion

B You should make similar observations

C You should choose a different investigation

D You should form an opinion 

B You should make similar observations


Mixture or solution? A combination of 2 or more substances that keep its physical properties. It can easily be separated. (Example:Oil and Water or a salad)



Planets are thought to have formed in which way? 

a. Small stars cooled after exhausting the fuel in their cores.

b. Star-sized bodies broke apart into smaller pieces after colliding with each other.

c. Small bodies called planetesimals came together to form larger bodies, which then came together to form planets.

c. Small bodies called planetesimals came together to form larger bodies, which then came together to form planets.


Evidence that Earth is more than 4.5 billion years old comes from:

a. By dating rocks on the Earth's crust

b. The study of historical documents

c. Calculations based on Earth’s cooling rate

a. By dating rocks on the Earth's crust