Forces and Motion
Mixed category
community that includes all living and nonliving things found in a certain area.
What is the ecosystem
A skier sits at the top of the hill getting ready to head down the hill. How would you describe his energy.
What is Potential Energy
The state of atmosphere at a certain time and place.
What is the weather
A small river that joins another larger river
What is Tributary
A diagram of several connected food chains
What is food web
Some organisms must get energy by eating other organisms.
What is consumers
A force is...
What is a push or a pull on an object
is the average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time.
what is climate
A large bend in a stream channel that develops when soil is eroded from one bank and deposited in another
What is Meander
Include all the non-living things in an ecosystem (example: light, temperature, and soil composition).
What is abiotic
Are organisms that use the Sun's energy to make their own food (all plants).
What is producers
The most likely conclusion about the top layer of rock seen in an undisturbed cliff wall. A The top layer is older than layers located farther down the cliff. B The top layer is younger than layers located farther down the cliff. C The top layer contains more fossils than layers located farther down the cliff. D The top layer contains fewer fossils than layers located farther down the cliff.
What is The top layer is younger than layers located farther down the cliff.
A large body of air that has the same temperature and level of humidity thoughout
What is air mass
The process in which earth's materials are broken down and carried away.
What is erosion
The process in which earth materials are broken down by wind, ice, water or gravity.
What is weathering
Animals that eat both plants and other animals.
What is a omnivore
Based on the Law of Superposition, what can be concluded about fossils? A Fossils give clues about past climate patterns. B Fossils form from the hard parts of organisms. C The oldest fossils are found in the lowest rock layers. D The most recent fossils were advanced organisms.
What is The oldest fossils are found in the lowest rock layers
A cold air mass moves under a warm mass & pushes the warm air upward.
What is cold front
Show parts of landforms - The closer the lines, the steeper the mountain
What is a Topographical Maps
A barrier built to contain the flow of water
What is dam
Is the role each animal has. Sometimes different populations occupy the same area and must compete for resources like food, water, and shelter. Usually the weaker population will die and move to a new area.
What is niche
The process that best explains how mountain ranges are worn down over time. A asteroid impacts B volcanic eruptions C mechanical and chemical weathering D continental drift and seafloor spreading
What is mechanical and chemical weathering
Occurs when a warm air mass and a cold air mass meet
What is stationary front
The process in which humans supply waters to the land through artifical ways.
What is Irrigation
Show parts of landforms - The closer the lines, the steeper the mountain.
What is topographical maps