The Atom
Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical and Chemical Changes
Atoms are the smallest unit of _____.



If you are blindfolded and have to identify four squares of identically-sized fabric by their physical properties, what would you most likely use to categorize the material into groups?

 A. texture
 B. color
 C. size
 D. shape

A. texture


What will happen to this ice pop if it gets warmer?

It will melt.


Drew has a bag of fifty yellow, lemon-flavored jelly beans. Arturo has a bag of fifty red, cherry-flavored jelly beans. The two boys mix their jellybeans in a glass jar. How will the mixture appear? 



Which of the materials below most likely dissolves in water? 



What are the two areas of an atom called?

The Nucleus and the Electron Cloud


A substance is round in one container and has a volume of one liter. In a much larger container, the substance is rectangular but still has a volume of one liter.

What state of matter is the substance in?



Which of the following is not a chemical change?

A. pouring acid on a car bumper
B. burning of a candle
C. shredding a piece of paper
D. rusting of a garden tool

C. shredding a piece of paper


Which of the following is true of a bowl of mixed nuts?

A. The nuts have new physical properties.

B. The nuts are chemically combined.

C. The nuts change their phase of matter.

D. The nuts retain their individual properties.

D. The nuts retain their individual properties.

Danny is trying to figure out how fast sugar crystals can dissolve in water. He has already tested crystals of table sugar by just pouring packets of sugar into a bowl of room-temperature water.

Which should Danny try next if he wants to make the sugar dissolve slower?

 A. stir the water
 B. heat the water
 C. use larger crystals
 D. all of these

C. use larger crystals


What are the three subatomic particles called?

Neutrons, Protons, and Electrons


Substances that maintain their own size and shape are called _____. Substances who maintain their own size, but match the shape of their container are called _____. Substances who match both the size and shape of their container are called _____.

Solids, Liquids, Gasses


During a physical change, which of the following does not change?

A. chemical composition
 B. size
 C. color
 D. smell

A. chemical composition


Chloe has a bag with a mixture of iron metal marbles and glass marbles inside. What tool would help her to separate the metal marbles into a different bag?

 A. balance
 B. filter
 C. ruler
 D. magnet

D. magnet


The substance that dissolves is called the _____, while the substance that gets dissolved is called the _____. Together, they form a _____.

Solvent, Solute, Solution


_____ have no electrical charge, and can be found within the _____.

Neutrons, Nucleus


Nick's mother helped him do an experiment. They plugged the end of a straw with clay so that it would stand upright. Then they filled the straw with water and put it in the freezer overnight.

Look at the drawings that Nick made below. 

How did freezing change the water in the straw?

The water became a solid and grew larger (expanded).


Brock put 3 cups of water in a pot on the stove and turned it on to "high." He let the water boil for a few minutes, and then took it off of the stove to cool. Once the water had cooled, he measured it again, and found that there was only 2 3/4 cups left. What happened to the water?

It vaporized and escaped


Brian has a jar of marbles. The jar of marbles is shown above. He wants to separate the marbles into two different groups that have different properties.

What would be the best property to use to separate the marbles?



Jody is trying to find out how much salt will dissolve in 200 mL of water. She adds salt to the beaker of water, but the salt seems to just sit on the bottom of the beaker. What can Jody do to help the salt dissolve?

 A. add food coloring
 B. cool the water
 C. add sugar
D. stir the water

D. stir the water


_____ have a slightly positive electrical charge, and can be found within the _____.

Protons, Nucleus


After school, Jane looks in the refrigerator for a snack. 

She sees a bottle of orange juice and an apple. Which property of the orange juice and the apple is the same?

 A. state of matter
 B. the ability to float
 C. shape
 D. temperature

D. temperature


Mark's father chops wood to use in their fireplace. When the wood is chopped, it is broken into smaller pieces.

What kind of change is occurring when Mark's father chops wood?



If Ray completely separates a mixture, what will he have when he if finished?

 A. one mixture and one pure substance
 B. two or more pure substances
 C. two mixtures
 D. one pure substance

B. two or more pure substances


At what temperature would sugar dissolve most easily?

 A. 100°F
 B. 32°F
C. 200°F
 D. 75°F

C. 200°F


_____ have a slightly negative electrical charge, and can be found within the _____.

Electrons, Electron Cloud


Wes melted some cheese over some tortilla chips to make nachos. 

How is the melted liquid cheese different from the solid cheese?

 A. It has a different mass.
 B. It has a different flavor.
 C. It has a different color.
 D. It has a different shape.

D. It has a different shape.


When a substance goes through a chemical change, it forms a new substance that has different physical and chemical properties.

Often, chemical changes are caused by changes in temperature which cannot be easily undone. Which of the following is a chemical change caused by a change in temperature?

 A. melting ice cream
 B. boiling water
 C. freezing a popsicle
 D. cooking an egg

D. cooking an egg


Lexi has gathered some sand from the beach, near where the ocean meets the shore. She puts the sand into a jar of water and leaves it on a table.

When she returns to look at the jar, she should see that

 A. the sand is floating on top of the water.
 B. the sand has absorbed the water.
 C. the sand has dissolved.
 D. the sand has settled at the bottom.

D. the sand has settled at the bottom.


Deshawn wanted to find out how temperature affects the rate at which three packets of sugar dissolve in a liter of water.

To find out, he performed a scientific investigation. The results from his investigation are shown below. 

Which of the following is true about the mean (average) values for the time it took the sugar to dissolve?

A. The amount of time needed to dissolve the sugar stayed the same no matter what the temperature was.
B. As the temperature increased, there was an increase in the amount of time needed to dissolve the sugar.
C. The time needed for the sugar to dissolve decreased as the temperature increased.
D. It is impossible to make any conclusions about Deshawn's experiment because he did not perform enough trials.
C. The time needed for the sugar to dissolve decreased as the temperature increased.