Gotta Love H20
Round and Round it Goes
Where on Earth is it?
The State of It is Good
Science Class is Wonderful!
The process by which plants use water, carbon dioxide and energy from the sun to make their own food.
What is photosynthesis?
The process by which molecules at the surface of a liquid absorb enough energy to change to gas.
What is evaporation?
Most of our fresh water is held in these.
What are icebergs?
Water is the only chemical on Earth which can easily change its
What are states?
Every other Friday, we check-up on organization with
What are Binder Checks?
Water-dwelling animals use water for this
What is Habitat?
The three stages of the water cycle are
What are evaporation, condensation, precipitation?
Most of the freshwater that we can easily get to is keep here
Where is underground?
Two or more atoms are bonded and called
What is a molecule?
This can only be turned in on time and cannot be made up
What is homework?
The digestion of food for humans and animals is an example of this - it requires water.
What is a body process?
This incredible creation keep the water cycle going, without it, water would not evaporate.
What is the sun?
Since so much of our water is unusable for drinking and crops, freshwater is considered very important to save or a
What is a scarce resource?
In its gas state, water is called
What is vapor?
We should read this on our own at home and not wait for the teacher to tell us
What is our Science textbook?
The process by which our bodies release water vapor (water in gas state) to help us cool off.
What is sweating?
Specks of dust around which evaporated water collects and is held until Allah (swt) commands the rain.
What are the clouds?
Here is where most of our saltwater is kept, name two
What are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indiana or Artic Oceans.
Water climbing up a straw because the molecules are attraced to each other and the molecules in the straw is called
What is capillary action?
This is the website we use to find careers in Science
What is the Occupational Outlook Handbook?
The process by which water has salt removed from it to make it drinkable for humans.
What is desalination?
"Sweat" from trees in the form of gas (which we collected after it became liquid) can also be called.
What is the process of transpiration.
Because water has a high specific heat, the Earth being covered by water helps keep what comfortable for us?
What is the temperature?
Water molecules climbing up a straw because they are attracted to each other and molecules in the straw is called
What is capillary action?
Two actions that will NEVER be tolerated in Sr. Faiza's class!
What are: 1. backbiting (or even talking badly to or about someone) 2. cheating