Follow the Steps
Types of Investigations
Variable Types
Light/ Sound

The question being investigated is identified.

What is problem/purpose?


A representation of an idea, an object, a process or a system that is used to describe and explain something that cannot be experienced directly.

What is a Model?


The one thing that is changed between the test group and control group on purpose.  The thing being tested.  For example, in the Marble Experiment  the one thing that is changed is the amount of marbles being flicked.

What is Test Variable?


Energy has the ability to cause motion or create change.  Energy is not created or destroyed.  Energy changes/transforms from one form to another.

Name at least three basic forms of energy.

What are sound, heat/thermal, mechanical,  chemical, and electrical?


Sound travels in waves.  Sound waves are _________ in the air around you.  We hear a bell ring because the bell causes the air around it to vibrate.  These vibrations travel through the air to our eardrum which also vibrates and allows us to hear the bell.

What are vibrations?


Information about the topic is obtained from reputable sources: books, internet (reliable sites), experts, encyclopedias, etc.



An imitation of the functioning of a system or process.

What is a Simulation?


The way we are measuring the difference between the control and test groups - for example, in the Marble experiment the outcome variable is the amount of marbles that were moved when struck by those flicked.

What is a Dependent Variable?


The energy that transfers between substances because of a temperature difference between the substances.

What is Heat or Thermal Energy?


This question has 2 answers:

When sound waves vibrate quickly, a _______pitch sound is produced. 

When sound waves vibrate slowly a _______pitch sound is produced.

What is high pitch?

What is low pitch?


This is based on research, is made ab out what you think the evidence is going to show. This should include the words if...then...because.

What is a prediction or hypothesis?


Documenting descriptive details of events in nature- amounts, sizes, colors, smell, behavior, texture - for example - eclipse observations.

What are Systematic Observations?


All of the things that are kept the same in an experiment s that you can trust that any difference between the test group and the control group is because of the test variable (or thing that is being tested). For example, in the Marble Experiment the position of the ruler, and the amount of marbles in the middle of the ruler, would all be the same.

What is a Constant Variable?


Heat energy will always try to make the _____________even.  Heat flow can cause materials to change ___________.

What is temperature?


When light travels from one substance to another, for example from air to water, it changes speed causing it to ________ (change direction/refract).  We can see an example of this when we place a pencil partially in water and it appears to be be bent or broken.

What is bend?


Materials are identified and a procedure is developed to test your prediction.  Make sure that you are very specific about the details - amounts, types, colors, so another scientist could follow your steps.  Once you have a good procedure, you should perform your experiment including at least 3 trials and keep data in a data table.

What is an experiment?


Studying plants and animals in their habitat.

What are field studies?


This is also known as an independent variable.

What is a test variable?


One answer:

_____________ is energy that is stored in matter that can be released by a chemical reaction.  

Food is ____________ energy that is released through chemical reactions during digestion.

Batteries contain ___________energy that is changed into electric energy when it is part of a complete circuit.

What is Chemical Energy?


When light strikes an object or substance it can do these three things.

What is reflect (bounce off), absorb (be taken in), or bend (refract)?


This requires 2 answers:

What do you do when you examine the data and look for patterns, trends, consistencies, etc.?

This is what you get when you compare the results with your prediction.  Was your prediction supported by the evidence? Or, did the evidence disprove your prediction?

What is analyze results?

What is a conclusion?


An investigation in which scientists control variables and sets up a test to answer a question.  A controlled experiment must always have a control group (used as a comparison group) and a test group.

What is a controlled experiment?


This is also known as a dependent variable.

What is an outcome variable?


This is the energy that an object has because of its motion or its position.  

A moving car contains this energy because it is moving.  

A ball on an inclined plane also contains this energy because it has the potential to fall due to its elevated position.

What is Mechanical Energy?


Light travels in a ________ line until it strikes an object or travels from one material to another (such as travelling from air to water).

What is a straight line?