A community or group of living organisms that live in and interact with each other in a specific environment.
What is Ecosystem?
The ocean ecosystem that is home to the greatest variety of ocean life.
What is the Coral Reef?
Forces that shape the landforms along the coast.
What are Waves and Ocean Currents?
The state of the atmosphere at a certain place or time.
What is Weather?
The process when wind and storms move sediments across earth's surface.
What are Landforms?
These are steady flows of ocean water that are like rivers in the ocean that move water from place to place.
What is Ocean Currents?
Four animals that are found in the open ocean ecosystem.
What are Sharks, Jellyfish, Tuna, Sea Turtles, Whales, and Seals?
The pattern that ocean currents move in.
What are Circular Patterns?
The pattern of weather in an area over a long period of time.
What is Climate?
Winds from the ocean bring this air up to the atmosphere.
What is Moist, Rising Air?
The process when sand and other sediments are laid down in a new place.
What is Deposition?
This is something deep ocean animal are able to do but other sea life cannot do.
What is produce their own light?
An ocean current that brings up warm tropic water up the east coast of the North America.
What is the Gulf Strean?
Movement of water in the same directions that affects climate.
What are Ocean Currents?
It forms in the clouds when the moist air rises up to the atmosphere and will then cause precipitation.
What is Condensing Water Vapor?
The process when waves and currents pick up sediments and move them away.
This is one thing that happens when you go deeper in the ocean.
What is Increase Water Pressure?
This process is how sand forms on beaches.
What is deposition?
This occurs in the summer when cool breezes blow from the ocean towards the shore, making the climate along the shore cooler than inland.
What is Sea Breeze?
The air moving down the mountain after the precipitation falls from the clouds.
What is Dry, Descending Air?
The area on the dry side of the mountain range.
What is Rain Shadow?
Ocean Waters make up 70% of this.
What is Earth's Surface?
This process is responsible for wearing down rocks and soil.
What is Erosion?
This occurs in winter when the land cools faster than the ocean and the ocean water make the climate along the coast warmer than that of inland areas.
What is Land Breeze.
The process that takes place when rocks are broken up into smaller pieces.
What is Weathering?