Matter and Energy
Life Science
What is the building block of all living things
The major source of energy that powers the movement of water throughout the environment
What is the sun
WED stands for
What is weathering, erosion and deposition
When danger approaches, a black bear mother will send a warning call to her cubs. The cubs will then climb a tree, this behavior is -
What is a learned behavior
Students notice that an object changes position and motion when it is pushed or pulled. The students are making -
An observation
This causes different parts of the moon to be lit as it orbits the Earth?
What is the reflection from the Sun
Coal, oil and natural gas are considered nonrenewable resources because
There is a limited supply and they cannot be replenished in a short period of time
The shape of a bird's beak is a body structure that the bird has at birth, this structure is a/an-
What is a inherited trait
The amount of water vapor in the air
What is humidity
A beaker contains a mixture of sand, salt, gravel and iron fillings. Which substances are not soluble in water? Which are?
What is salt, gravel and iron fillings. Salt is soluble.
The Sun appears to change position or move across the sky during daylight hours. This is a result of
What is Earth's rotation
To form fossil fuels you need four things
What is time, pressure,prehistoric animals and plants and compaction
Tundra animals have adaptations such as thick coats that allow them to survive in the vast tundra. Musk ox have a thick fur coat-
What is to insulate from the cold tundra wind and water
The act of resistance on a moving object
What is friction
Students experiment with the flow of electricity in circuits. The teacher instructs them to wear rubber gloves because -
Rubber gloves are insulators
Meteorologists are scientist who study weather conditions and climate patterns so they can prepare people for upcoming changes in the weather. The meteorologist's ability to forecast weather changes is the same as what skill?
What is making a prediction
Scientists are looking for ways to produce energy from natural materials, such as plants without depleting limited natural resources. Plants are considered a good alternative because they are -
What is renewable
A group of students is exploring the causes of changes in the physical structure of a forest ecosystem. Each student in the group makes a prediction of how changes will impact the ecosystem. The students have each-
What is formed a hypothesis
The substance that makes plants green
What is chlorophyll
The part of the mixture in which other substances are dissolved
What is solvent
Students construct a table to display information collected from their research on the Sun and the eight planets. What types of data would be most helpful in displaying the relationship between the planets and the Sun?
What is planet name, distance from sun and period of revolution
Rock, gravel, sand, dirt is an example of
What is sediment
The difference between tadpoles and frogs is
Tadpoles live in water, breathe with gills, have no legs and have a long tail. Adult frogs live on land and in water, breather with lungs, have legs and have no tail
The appearances of an object mass, magnetism, physical state, relative density, solubility and the ability to conduct or insulate heat
What is a property