Physical Properties of Matter
Landforms/Sedimentary Rocks/Fossil Fuels
Organisms and Environments/Adaptations and Behaviors

A student recorded the time it took for all the water in a puddle on a sidewalk to evaporate after a rain. Which kind of energy causes water to evaporate?

What is thermal energy?


Earth continuously rotates on its axis while also moving in an orbit. About how much time does it take for Earth to make one complete rotation on its axis?

What is 24 hours?


Students observe a glass of ice and water. The glass is dry on the outside. After ten minutes students see drops of water on the outside of the glass. Which statement best explains the students’ observations?

 A The water vapor in the air changes to a liquid when it touches the cold glass.

B The cold water inside the glass rises and then slides down the outside of the glass. 

C The ice in the glass melted and caused the water to overflow the glass. 

D The water moved to the outside surface through tiny holes in the glass.

What is the water vapor in the air changes to a liquid when it touches the cold glass?


Canyons and mesas are two landforms found in the western part of the United States. Which statement best describes how canyons and mesas are similar?

 A Both were formed by slow-moving glaciers.

B Both were formed by erosion by wind and water.

C Both were part of a mountain that was weathered by ice. 

D Both were part of a desert that was reshaped by a flood.

What is both were formed by erosion by wind and water?


Which effect would most likely occur if a six-lane highway were built through an ecosystem? 

F Competition for resources would be reduced. 

G Habitats available to animals would be reduced. 

H Air pollution would decrease. 

J Water pollution would decrease.

What is habitats available to animals would be reduced?


For a class demonstration a student turned off the lights in the classroom. The student then shined light from a flashlight through a hole in a piece of cardboard. The class saw the narrow beam of light continue until another student placed a mirror in the light’s path. The light did not continue past the mirror because 

A light cannot travel very far 

B the mirror absorbed all the light 

C the light was refracted back to the light source 

D light travels in a straight line and cannot go around objects

What is light travels in a straight line and cannot go around objects?


Which process will happen when the sun interacts with the ocean? 

F Rain will fall only on the land. 

G Water will not evaporate at nighttime. 

H Salt water will become fresh water vapor.

J Precipitation will happen less often.

What is salt water will become fresh water vapor?


A student compares the physical properties of a rock, wooden block, paper cup, and rubber eraser. Which of these physical properties do all four objects have in common? 

F They all have the same physical state and conduct electricity. 

G They all conduct electricity and attract the same metal objects. 

H They all attract the same metal objects and are not soluble in water. 

J They all are not soluble in water and have the same physical state.

What is they all are not soluble in water and have the same physical state?


A three-step process is shown. 


Which of these are most likely formed by the process shown? 

F Glaciers 

G Mountains 

H Sand dunes 

J Sedimentary rocks

What is Sedimentary rocks?


Students record characteristics of a tomato plant. One student’s list is shown. Tomato Plant Characteristics

 • Stems with branches that have many wide leaves • Roots growing out of lower stem into the ground

 • Small yellow flowers 

• Seven large red tomatoes 

• Four small green tomatoes 

Which tomato plant characteristic is least likely to be inherited? 

F Flower color 

G Leaf shape 

H Type of roots 

J Number of tomatoes

What is number of tomatoes?


A student uses a set of headphones to listen to music. Which of these objects uses the same source of energy as the headphones?

A A flute using wind energy

B A piano using mechanical energy

C A keyboard using electrical energy

D A teapot using thermal energy

What is a keyboard using electrical energy?


In the early 1600s, the astronomer Galileo used a telescope to make observations of Mercury and Venus. What are the positions of these planets in relation to the sun? 

F Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, and Venus is the second planet from the sun.

G Mercury is the second planet from the sun, and Venus is the third planet from the sun. 

H Venus is the planet closest to the sun, and Mercury is the second planet from the sun. 

J Mercury is the third planet from the sun, and Venus is the planet closest to the sun.

What is Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, and Venus is the second planet from the sun?


A group of students is given four small cubes of the same size and instructed to place them in a beaker of water. One cube floats to the surface of the water. Two of the cubes float in the middle of the beaker under the surface of the water. The last cube sinks to the bottom of the beaker. Which conclusion is best supported by what the students observed? 

A Two of the four cubes are soluble in water. 

B All four cubes have different masses. 

C Each cube is made of a different type of solid material. 

D One of the cubes is more dense than the other three.

What is one of the cubes is more dense than the other three?


Deltas are large landforms found along coastlines. What process forms deltas? 

F Cementation of sediments by rivers 

G Deposition of sediments by rivers

H Erosion of sediments by ocean waves 

J Deposition of sediments by ocean waves

What is deposition of sediments by rivers?


The chart lists plants and animals interacting with parts of an environment. 

1. A hummingbird dips its beak inside a flower. 2. A lizard burrows into the sand to stay cool. 3. A fish absorbs oxygen through its gills. 4. A cactus wren eats seeds from a cactus fruit. 5. A sea star clings to a rock in a tidal pool. 6. A bear scratches its back against a tree. 

Which statements describe an animal interacting with a living part of the environment? 

F Statements 1, 4, and 6 only

G Statements 1, 3, and 5 only 

H Statements 2, 5, and 6 only 

J Statements 2, 3, and 4 only

What is statements 1, 4, and 6 only?


When a bat searches for prey at night, it makes sounds as it flies, and it uses the sounds' echoes to find its prey. When the bat flies and listens to echoes to locate prey, it is using -

A thermal energy and light energy

B sound energy and thermal energy

C mechanical energy and sound energy

D light energy and mechanical energy

What is mechanical energy and sound energy?


The moon, the sun, and Earth have different physical characteristics. Which of these best describes a physical characteristic of the sun? 

F It is solid and has many layers. 

G It rotates on its axis every 24 hours. 

H It is mostly made of hydrogen and helium.

J It is smaller and has less gravity than Earth or the moon.

What is it is mostly made of hydrogen and helium?


A student prepared a snack that consisted of grapes, pecans, and strawberries sprinkled with white powdered sugar. The student stored the snack in a refrigerator. An hour later the student observed that the powdered sugar could no longer be seen but the fruit and nuts had not changed in appearance. What most likely happened to the sugar in the mixture? 

A The sugar evaporated at the lower temperature in the refrigerator without causing any changes to the fruit and nuts. 

B The sugar was more dense than the other foods in the mixture, so it settled to the bottom of the container. 

C The sugar dissolved in the moisture on the fruit.

D The sugar absorbed energy from the nuts and melted into a colorless liquid.

What is the sugar dissolved in the moisture on the fruit?


Sediments are transported at different speeds. Which type of sediment transport is the slowest? 

F Transport by rivers 

G Transport by winds 

H Transport by glaciers

J Transport by ocean currents

What is transport by glaciers?


A zookeeper sets up a habitat for a certain species of rabbit. Which answer choice describes the rabbit as it interacts with two nonliving parts of the rabbit’s habitat? 

A The rabbit breathing air while running down a rocky path

B The rabbit licking its fur while feeding its young 

C The rabbit hiding under plants from loud noises 

D The rabbit nibbling on vegetation inside the habitat

What is the rabbit breathing air while running down a rocky path?


Eight activities that use energy are listed in the box. 1. A bus driver starts a bus. 2. A soccer player kicks a ball. 3. A teacher writes notes on a chalkboard. 4. A chef stirs soup on a stove. 5. A bird flaps its wings and chirps to attract a mate. 6. A basketball referee blows a whistle. 7. A waiter pours water into a glass. 8. A person changes the channel on a TV. Each of these activities requires the use of which kind of energy? 

A Thermal 

B Mechanical 

C Electrical 

D Sound

What is mechanical?


Each school year for 30 years, the amount of rain that fell at a school was measured and recorded. Tracking rainfall over a long period provides the most information about which characteristic of an area?

F Climate

G Temperature of one day

H Weather

J Type of soil

What is climate?


Which change occurs when lemon juice is mixed with water? 

F The mass of the lemon juice decreases. 

G The water becomes a solid. 

H The lemon juice dissolves and spreads out evenly in the water. 

J The volume of the water decreases.

What is the lemon juice dissolves and spreads out evenly in the water?


Which statement correctly describes how a landform is formed? 

F A lake is formed when flowing water carves out the sides of a canyon. 

G A mountain range is formed when glaciers slowly move across the landscape. 

H A delta is formed at the mouth of a river when flowing water slows and deposits sediment.

J A U-shaped valley is formed when winds pick up and move sediment away from the landscape.

What is a delta is formed at the mouth of a river when flowing water slows and deposits sediment?


Unlike humans, otters have special flaps that close off their nostrils and ears. These flaps help otters survive in an environment that is — 

A terrestrial 

B snowy 

C windy 

D aquatic

What is aquatic?