West. Exp.
Ind. Rev.
Sp. Am.
Cold War

After the Civil War, this group of people became sharecroppers.

What is Former African slaves or Freedman?


Gold and silver was discovered in the Black Hills and the US government forced Native Americans off their land onto this.

What is reservations?


One of the goals of labor unions.

What is improve working conditions?


One of the main reasons immigrants came to the United States in the late 1800s and early 1900s.

What is the chance for a better life?


American businessmen pushed to have Hawaii annexed because ____.

What is the use of Pearl Harbor to export cash crops?


The United States tried to remain neutral during WWI. Neutral means _____.

What is a country that doesn't join an alliance?


This groups culture influenced the Jazz Age.

What is the African American culture?


The stock market crash of 1929 was due to people doing this when stock prices were falling slowly.

What is sell their stocks?


The name for the 2 groups of countries who fought in WWII.

What is Allied & Axis Powers?


The goal of the Soviets and the US during the arms race.

What is have the most powerful weapons?


This President was impeached during his term of office because of the Watergate Scandal.

Who is President Nixon?


The system that developed in the South to keep the plantations operating after slavery ended.

What is Sharecropping?


This groups’ traditional way of life was greatly affected by the building of the railroad and the settling of the West

What is the Native Americans?


Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller controlled the steel and oil industries in the early 1900s. There businesses were known as___.

What is a monopoly?


Immigrants who couldn't pass the medical checks were...

What is sent back to their home countries?


The major factor that led to the Spanish American War.

What is the USS Maine was destroyed by a huge explosion, killing 260 Americans?


The main cause of WWI.

What is the heir (Archduke Ferdinand) to Austria-Hungary was assassinated? 


The Great Migration refers to a time in history when _____.

What is African Americans moved North for better job opportunities and less segregation?


People buying fewer goods and factory works losing their jobs are affect of this time period.

What is the Great Depression?


President Roosevelt entered WWII in 1941 instead of 1939 when Britain and France entered for this reason.

What is the US always tries to stay neutral? 


This Senator told the US government that there were US citizen who were really working for the  communists. 

What is Senator McCarthy?


During a hostage crisis in this country, 60+ Americans were taken captive.

Where is Iran?


This organization was set up to help former slaves after the Civil War. 

What is Freedman's Bureau?


This provided a faster method of travel, attracted new immigrant settlers, and provided a way to transport the agricultural products grown in the West to Eastern markets. 

What is Transcontinental Railroad?


A person who begins their own business.

What is an entrepreneur?


Big businesses attracted many immigrants to large cities.  The immigrants provided ___________, while business owners earned large profits.

What is cheap labor?


Exaggerated newspaper titles was commonly used to persuade the public's opinion. This is known as____.

What is yellow journalism?


The countries that made up the Allied Powers.

What is Great Britain, Russia, U.S.?


Prohibition was brought to an end by the ratification of the 21st Amendment. The amendment that banned the manufacturing, selling, and transporting of alcohol is _____.

What is the 18th amendment?


The program President Roosevelt creates designed to help elderly, disabled, and unemployed people.

What is Social Security Administration (or Act)?


This event caused President Roosevelt to ask Congress to declare war on Japan.

What is the attack on Pearl Harbor?


The type of government that the USSR, North Korea, and North Vietnam have during the Cold War.

What is communism?


During the Persian Gulf War, an international force gathered for an offensive military action known as the _____.

What is Operation Desert Storm?


The three effects that the Reconstruction Amendments had on people of the time.

What is slavery was abolished, African Americans gained citizenship, all men given the right to vote?


The discovery of gold and silver in the boomtowns declined, causing most of the boomtowns to...

What is turn into ghost towns? 


Progressive Reformers made changes to laws causing children to ________.

What is children had to go to school instead of work in factories?


In the early 1900s, cities became very overcrowded. Describe the effects of the population growth in the cities.

What is City governments became corrupt, City streets were extremely unsanitary, Many people got sick?


Travel was made easier by passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean as way of the ______.

What is the Panama Canal?


The countries that make up the Central Powers.

What is Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire?


This allowed people in the U.S. to communicate and share their ideas with a bigger audience affecting the American culture during the 1920's.

What is mass media?


My little brother is 18 years old and has no job. This program helped provide work for unemployed young men through work camps.

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps?


Name 2 types of technology that were developed and used in WWII.

What is atomic bombs, bombers, computers, two-way radios, air craft carriers, anti-aircraft guns? 

The goal that the US worked towards during the Cold War.

What is stop the spread of communism?


The attack on the US by terrorists from Al-Qaeda is remembered on this day of the year.

What is September 11th?


The purpose of the Freedman's Bureau. (Give at least 2)

What is support African Americans by giving them: education, healthcare, housing & food, jobs?


Technologies that helped pioneers turn the Great Plains into productive farmland. (Name 2 or more)

What is Windmill, Barbed Wire, Steel Plow, and Transcontinental Railroad?


A disadvantage of monopolies.

What is no competition for businesses?


Most immigrant in the midwest arrived from this country.

What is Germany?


An obstacle faced by the U.S. during the construction of the Panama Canal.

What is mosquitoes spreading disease?


During WWI, the people at home supported the war efforts by_____. (Give 2 areas of supports.)

What is victory gardens, buying war bonds, scrap metals, women took jobs in factories?


Segregation was enforced by law in the South because of these laws.

What are Black codes?


Worth 1,000 points!!!

FDR outlined a plan to get American out of the Great Depression. The name of this plan AND its 3 parts in order.

What is the New Deal: Relief, Recovery, Reform?


Name the 6 countries involved in WWII and their leaders. Last names are sufficient.

What is Italy: Mussolini, Germany:Hitler, US:FDR/Truman, Great Britain: Churchill,  Japan:Tojo, Russia:Stalin?


The Soviets built a wall to divide East and West Berlin for this reason.

What is to keep East Berliners from escaping to freedom in West Berlin?


Because of the attacks on 9/11, several updates to airport security were added as well as this government organization. Name at least 1 update along with the organization name.

What is Department of Homeland Security?

What is body scanners, limited liquids for carry-ons, no food carried on, photo ID required, and more airport security w/ cameras included?