Main Idea
The Crossover

Three-year old Emmy was crying and pointing to something in the sky. Mom looked up. “It's okay, we can get you another one,” she said. “This time I'll tie it to your wrist.”

What was Emmy pointing at?

How do you know?

Emmy was pointing at a balloon.


My dog is called Buttons and he learns new tricks really quickly. When I say “Hands”, he will give me one of his front paws. He can even walk on two legs when I tell him to. It only took me three days to teach him these tricks. I don’t think other dogs can learn as quickly as Buttons. He is the best. 

What is the main idea?

a. My dog is not clever.

b. My dog is the smartest dog!

 c. I wish I can be a good dog trainer.

B My dog is the smartest dog!


What did Josh think of as his wings?

His locs (hair)


When writing an opinion essay, what acronym can you use to make sure you have all the elements of an opinion essay?



What is the definition of inferring?

 to make an inference means to make an educated guess based on evidence and your background knowledge.


Tommy looked at all the people on the other side of the bars. They were all watching him. Some of them waved or called out. He shook out his giant mane and walked over to the tree, hoping to sunbathe. 

What can you infer about Tommy?

What makes you think so?

Tommy is a lion.


I always have trouble flying a kite. For a kite to fly, the weather needs to be good and windy. If there is no wind, the kite will never fly. You need to find a spacious place to fly your kite. It is dangerous to fly your kite near roads, power lines or an airport. 

What is the main idea? 

a. Flying kites is hard.

b. Kites can break easily. 

c. It is dangerous to fly a kite.

a. Flying kites is hard.


What kind of foods does Mom want her family to avoid?

 Unhealthy/ food with too much salt.


When writing an essay, what is the most important thing you should include in order to grab the readers attention?

A hook


What should you do if you have been on a question for more than 5 minutes and aren't able to answer?

- skip it and return to it later

- Bookmark it to remind you to return to it at the end of the test.


“Well, what do you think?” Britta asked. “Wow, it's really short! You look like a whole different person,” Jenna replied. “I wanted something really different. I've had the same style my whole life.”

What are Britta and Jenna talking about?

How do you know?

Britta and Jena are talking about Britta's new haircut.


I can't wait until this weekend! We’re going to my grandparents’ house and my entire family will be there. I will spend most of my time playing games with my cousins. We always have such a good time together! The day goes by so fast, and by the end we are all exhausted... but we still don’t want to leave! 

The main idea of this passage is: A. Weekends are times to travel. B. The writer enjoys spending time with family. C. The writer’s grandparents live far away. D. The writer is sad to leave her cousins.

B. The writer enjoys spending time with family.


Where did Josh's nickname Filthy McNasty come from?

A Jazz song that he and his father listened to


What is evidence?

A sentence that is copied directly from a text


What is the definition of lines and stanzas?

Lines are rows of words, and stanzas are groups of lines (like mini paragraphs)


“How on earth do people wear these without falling?” Matthew asked. “Try holding onto the railing,” his father suggested. “You'll get better with practice.”

Where are Matthew and his dad?

How do you know?

Mathew and his dad are at a roller skating rink. 


Wilbur and Orville Wright were brothers who were inventors, even from a young age when they built kites and bicycles. Many people credit the Wright Brothers with designing and building the first successful airplane. In 1903, their first flight only lasted 12 seconds, but it continues to inspire people all over the world to learn about science and math, to work hard to realize their dreams, and to use imagination to achieve success.

 The main idea of this passage is: A. The Wright Brothers worked hard. 

B. The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people. 

C. Inventors build kites and bicycles. 

D. The first flight was in 1903.

B. The Wright Brothers were inventors who have inspired many people


Patella Tendonitis affects which part of the body?  

The knees.


When citing text evidence, what are three things you should always include?

Title, Page number, Quotation marks around the sentence.


In "The Crossover" where did Josh want to attend college?



“I hate this stuff,” Sophia complained during art class. “It gets all over everything, and the top always gets clogged so it won't come out.” “You can borrow mine, I have the stick kind.” Jake offered.

What were Sophia and Jake talking about?

How do you know?

Sophia and Jake were talking about glue.


I have a dog whose name is Paco. He is almost 10 years old. Paco is very loveable with a brown face and short black fur. He is one of my best friends. He plays with me, sleeps with me, and goes on walks with me. I am so glad to have him around. I love him. The main idea of this passage is: A. The dog’s name is Paco. B. Everyone should have a dog. C. The writer's dog is an important part of his life. D. The dog is cute and sweet.

C. The writer's dog is an important part of his life.


According to Basketball Rule #1, what should be left on the court?

Your heart


On a 5th grade writing rubric, what are the 3 areas you are graded on?

1. Focus to task

2. Organization

3. Development and support


For anyone looking forward to sledding and playing in the snow, freezing rain can be a frustrating disappointment. Along with snow and sleet, freezing rain is a type of winter precipitation. Freezing rain occurs when liquid precipitation falls and freezes when it comes into contact with surfaces that are below freezing. Freezing rain happens when the air in the atmosphere is above freezing, which either melts precipitation that would have fallen as snow or sleet, or prevents it from freezing to begin with. The rain then falls through a colder layer of air, which acts to cool the rain down, allowing some of it to freeze as soon as it lands on a freezing surface. This can occur on trees, power lines, sidewalks and even roadways. Freezing rain can cause significant damage and disruption to daily life when anything more than a glaze falls. Even a light glaze on sidewalks and roadways can make walking and driving anywhere incredibly dangerous. Freezing rain that accumulates to more than a quarter of an inch can cause downed trees, which can take weeks to clean up. The weight of the ice on trees and powerlines can also cause widespread power outages, which cause great inconveniences to people and can even cause safety hazards. Repairing a downed power line or restoring power can take days or longer. 

1. What is a central idea of today’s passage? a. Fallen trees can cause power outages and take time to clean up. b. Freezing rain can occur on powerlines and sidewalks. c. Freezing rain falls as a liquid and can cause a lot of damage.

c. Freezing rain falls as a liquid and can cause a lot of damage.