A rapid back and forth movement
When vibrations push together some of the particles of matter it's called __________
The distance from one compression to the next is called ____________
A wavelength
Sounds with a higher frequency have a higher or lower pitch?
Which sound wave is a higher pitch?
the bottom wavelength
A vibration that can be heard
When particles of matter spread away from each other in a soundwave it is called__________
The number of waves that pass a point in one second
An object vibrating slowly is going to have what kind of pitch?
The ability to see with sound is called__________
Are the soundwaves labeled correctly? How do you know?
Louder waves are taller
Sound travels slowest through which form of matter?
A reflected soundwave is called an ________
an echo
How loud or soft a sound is
This technology allows humans to detect objects and distances under water
This room is designed to reflect or absorb sound?
Most of the sounds we hear travel through which form of matter?
Why do sound waves travel fastest through solid matter?
Solid matter has the densest particles
Soundwaves lose or gain energy as they travel through matter?
Lose energy
Changing this factor will alter the volume of a sound
The amount of energy used to make the sound
Multiple soundwaves can occupy the same space
Soft rough surfaces ________ sound
The science of sound is called ___________
Sound waves can be described as __________ because they require matter to travel through
A device that converts mechanical soundwaves into electrical impulses and displays them as wavy lines on a screen
The quality of sound that distinguishes it from other sounds is called__________
Both receive soundwave vibrations and change them into an electrical message
How can we use sound used to serve and glorify God
We can praise God through singing, worshipping, and telling others about his love and salvation. We can use our voices to build others, spread kindness, and speak the truth in love.