The Mix Pt 1
The Mix Pt. 2
Academic Vocabulary
Totally Random

Use "The Fox and the Horse" to answer this question. 

RL 5.1 What can the reader infer about the horse's feelings about the master in the first part of the story?

A. The house feels determined because the master gave him a job

B. The horse feels relieved because the master welcomed him home 

C. The horse feels encouraged because the master agreed to feed him

D. The horse feels betrayed because the master gave him an unfair choice 

What is D


Use the story Brother Deer and Brother Snail to answer this question.

Read the sentence from paragraph 2.

"Oh Brother! There will be no living with Brother Deer after this race, said Elephant."

What can the reader infer Elephant thinks about Brother Deer?

A. Brother Deer will be upset after losing the race

B. Brother Deer will brag more after winning the race

C. Brother Deer will want to have races against the other animals.

D. Brother Deer will be annoyed about being tricked during the race.

What is B


True or False: Theme is what the story is mostly about. 

What is False


Name that writing style:

Keywords: imagined, continued, POV

A. Informative

B. Narrative

C. Opinion

What is 



Which college just won the NCAA Women's Basketball championship?



C. Alabama

D. Auburn

What is 



RL 5.1 How does the reader know that the horse has given up?

A.  The horse pulled the lion

B. The horse hung his head
C. The house laid on the ground 

D. The horse went into the forest

What is B


Use both stories: "The Fox and the Horse" and "Brother Deer and Brother Snail Have a Race" to answer these questions.

RL 5.3 Match the descriptios to the correct characters from the story: HORSE and SNAIL

A. Had given up

B. Determined not to fail

C. Eager to prove himself

D. Willing to accept help

what is 

Horse: A, D

Snail: B, C


Name two differnces between poems and dramas

Answers may vary:

Ex. Poems have stanzas; dramas do not

Dramas have stage directions; poems do not


Name that writing style:

Keywords: "What do you think", claim

A. Informative

B. Narrative

C. Opinion

What is C- Opinion


What is the school GOAL?

A. 330

B. 328

C. 346

D. 315

What is B. 328


RL 5.3 What is the difference in the relationship between the fox and the horse and the master and the horse at the beginning of the story?

A. The fox encourages the horse, while the master is impressed with the horse.

B. The fox tricks the horse, while the master is patient with the horse.
C. The fox ignores the house, while the master welcomes the horse

D. The fox helps the horse, while the master is unkind to the horse.

What is D

RL 5.2

Select three sentences to include in a summary.

A. The animals kept the race a secret 

B. Brother Snail asked Brother Deer to race

C. Brotehr Snail climbed Brother Deer's tail

D. Brother deer sprinted back and forth

E. The animals saide Brother Snail won

What is 



Remember that an inference is an educated guess

What two things should you do to make a good inference?

Hint: Bk + TC= Inference

What is 

Background knowledge and text clues


Name that writing style:

Keywords: Explain, Examine, Describe 

A. Informative

B. Narrative

C. Opinion

What is informative 
Name that Movie: Two Brooklyn plumbers travel to another dimension to rescue a princess from the evil dictator King Koopa and stop him from taking over the world. 

Hint: One brother dresses in green and the other in red

What is 

Super Mario Brothers 


Answer the following question for Brother Deer and Brother Snail Have a Race.

Select the actions that Brother Deer or Brother Snail take before the race. Provide textual evidence to support your answer 

A. Teases other animals

B. Comes up with a plan 

C. Brags about being the fastest 

D. Meets with the other animals

Brother Deer: A, C

Brother Snail: B, D

Textual evidence may vary


RL 5.9 Select two details from both strories that support the theme of WORKING TOGETHER.

A. "The horse did what the fox asked ("The Fox and the Horse," paragraph 7) 

B."This advice pleased the lion..("The Fox and the Horse," paragraph 9)

C."...there will be no living with Brother Deer after this race, said Elephant....("Brother Deer and Brother Snail" paragraph 2)

D. "Brother Snail had climbed up on Brother Deer's tail...("Brother Deer and Brother Snail," paragraph 3

E. "The other animals....called the race in his favor...(Brother Deer and Brother Snail," paragraph 5)

What is A, E

Define the following words

What is the difference between a central idea and a theme?

Central idea- mostly about

Theme: moral or lesson


1. Unpack the prompt 2. Identify the style 

You have just read the passage, "Seed Travel." Write an essay explaining how the author organizes the passage to describe how and why a seed travels. Be sure to use details from the passage to explain how the author structures the passage to describe how and why the seed travels.

Your writing will be scored based on the development of ideas, organization of writing, and language convention of grammar, usage, and mechanics

What is 

1. WRITE an essay, EXPLAIN how the author organizes the passage to describe how and why a seed travels, USE details from the passage to describe how and why a seed travels

2. Informative Writing (Keywords: Explain and Describe

How many planets are there?

Name them all

What is 

Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Earth, Uranus


Use the text "Brother Deer and Brother Snail" to answer the following questions.

Part A

In paragraph 2, what do Deer and the other animals think about Brother Snail wanting to race?

A. They think that Brother Deer will finally lose a race

B. They think it is strange that Brother Snail would want to race

C. They think that Brother Snail was joking about racing Brother Deer

D. They think it is impossible for Brother Snail to win against Brother Deer

Part B

Which quotation from the story supports the answer to Part A?

A. "... tired of hearing Brother Deer boast..." (paragraph 2)

B. "...the other animals looked shocked..." (paragraph 2)

C."....gathered at the starting line..." (paragraph 3)

D."...climbed up on Brother Deer's tail..." (paragraph 3)

What is D, B


RL 5.5. Use the story "Brother Deer and Brother Snail Have A "

Part A:Why does the author include paragraph 3 in "Brother Deer and Brother Snail Have A Race?"

A. To show Brother Snail's plan to defeat Brother Deer

B. To show Brother Deer's impatience with Brother Snail

C. To show Brother Deer's impatience with Brother Snail

D. To show Brother Snail's uncertainty on the day of the race 

Part B: Which quotation from paragarph 3 supports the answer to Part A?

A. "On the day of the race, Brother Deer sprinted back and forth as he smiled at Brother Snail"

B. "Finally, they gathered at the starting line and Brother Deer looked around for Brother Snail."

C. Little did Brother Deer realize that Brother Snail had climbed up on Brother Deer's tail and was holding on tightly 

D. "Tired of waiting, Brother Deer said, "Let's get the thing started already"

What is A, C


What are the two main points of view? What kind of language is associated with them?

What is 

1st: I, we, us

3rd: he, she, they 


1. Unpack the prompt 2. Identify the style 

You have just read "The Potter and the Washerman." Imagine that you are the king, What would you do after Potter comes to you with his idea about the Washerman washing the elephant? Write about what happens next from your point of view as the king. Provide key details and examples from the story to support your writing.

Your writing will be scored based on the development of ideas, organization of writing, and language conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics

1. IMAGINE that you are the king, WHAT would do after the potter comes to you with his idea about the Washerman washing the elephant WRITE about what happens next from your point of view as the king PROVIDE key details and examples SUPPORT your writing 

2. Narrative 


Answer all 5 questions correctly to receive the points:

1. Identify the adverb in the sentence: Sarah danced beautifully at her dance recital.

2. What kind of landform is made primarily of ice?

3. What is considered the most popular landmark in the U.S.?

A. The Eiffel Tower. B. The Statue of Liberty. C. The Sanfrancisco Bridge. D. Yellowstone National Park

4. What is the name of the longest river in the world?

A. Missouri River B. Arkansas River C. Nile River  D. Jordan River

5. Which animal is higher in the food chain, a lion or a zebra?

What is 

1. beautifully 

2. glacier

3. The Statue of Liberty

4. Nile

5. Lion