Figurative Language
Plot Elements
Inference and Drawing Conclusions
Context Clues

I waited in line for a million hours before it was my turn.



These are the mini events that help develop the plot of a story. (Things start to get juicy)

Rising Action.


The bear sleeps in it all winter? Where am I?

A cave.


If the lightbulb is too dim to illuminate the room. it should be replaced. What does illuminate mean?

Light up.


As Jim was walking home from school, he spotted Andy a couple of streets ahead of him. Jim immediately looked around for a hiding spot. He ran and hid behind a bush just in time. Jim watched as Andy started picking on a small girl. Jim wanted to help, but he also didn't want to get hurt. The last time he had confronted Andy he had gone home with a black eye.

Theme Options:

Don't stand up for others if it means putting yourself in an uncomfortable position.

Don't hide like Jim.

Stand up for others, even if it is difficult.

Don't treat people like Andy treats people.

A Actions speak louder than words 

B Never eat pizza at the mall 

C Vegetables are good for you

Stand up for others, even if it is difficult.


The tree branches danced in the wind.



The outcome of a story.



Most people enjoy getting one. To get one, you need a friend or relative. You get one during holidays. When you get one, you can read it over and over. It costs very little to send one. What am I?

A card.


The father and son collected kindling, such as dry twigs and sticks, so they could start a campfire. What does kindling mean?

Dry twigs and sticks.


Money Mark was born rich. He never had to work a day in his life and he got everything handed to him on a silver platter. When he was six, Money Mark wanted to go to a basketball game. His father paid the starting five of the Bulls and Celtics to play a private game of Nerf-ball in Money Mark's bedroom. When Money Mark turned thirteen, he wanted to start a band. His father hired the Rolling Stones to play with him every Saturday at the family's private concert hall, though his family was never there. By the time he was twenty-one, Money Mark was bored with life. He was surrounded by a bunch of possessions that he didn't appreciate and Money Mark could find nothing new or exciting in his life. Despite his vast wealth, Money Mark was never satisfied. What is the theme?

Money can't buy happiness.


Break a leg tomorrow!



This is the part of the story where we get introduced to the characters and the setting.



It is a good place for books. It can be a good place to be alone. This might be a nice place to read. What am I?



Are you sure we packed enough provisions, for this trip?  Using context clues what does provisions mean?



Rosa watched her twin sister, Anna, silently. Anna was packing clothes to take to a sleepover. She chatted excitedly as she packed, talking about how much fun she was going to have with her friend. Rosa pretended to be happy for her sister, but when Anna left, Rosa slammed the door behind her and started to cry. She didn't understand why Lisa hadn't invited her to come over, too.

Theme Options:

Make sure to be inclusive, unlike Lisa.

Hide your feelings from others.

Be honest with people about your true feelings.

Rosa should talk to Anna about what's bothering her.

Be honest with people about your true feelings.


The Lamborghini was as fast a jet when it passed by.



This is the part known as the turning point. It is the most important part of the story.



Laura was on the beach and was really hot on the sand. She needed to cool off. What happens next?

She goes into the water.


Don't work with Ricardo unless you want to hear him talk about himself. He is so arrogant. What does ARROGANT mean?

Conceited; full of himself.


Joey opened up the present and began pouting. He screamed in a high-pitched voice, "This is Captain Thunder! I wanted Captain Lightning!" His mother looked at him with dismay and handed him another present, which he greedily opened. "Why did you get me a red hat? You know I like blue more," Joey whined as he threw the hat across the room. His mother straightened her expression and squinted at him. Earlier she had hoped to take some pictures of this moment, but by now she had put away her camera. She sighed and handed him one more present in hopes that this year wouldn't be a total bust. Joey huffed and opened it. "An Xbox One wow. Where's the PS5 that I asked for?" His mother could bear his ingratitude no longer. The next time that Joey returned from his father's house, he was shocked to find that all of these toys and gifts, along with many other of his things, had been generously donated to needy children. What is the theme?

Be thankful for what you have in life.


You are the sun, moon, and stars to me.



Details that bring a story to a close. The outcome is not fully worked out yet, though.

Falling Action.


If I see boxes of food, shopping carts, and cashiers, then I am...

In the grocery store.


The best way to describe Athena is she is ambitious: she works hard and is driven to succeed. Using context clues, what does ambitious mean?

Someone who works hard and is driven to succeed.


Skye and Ava had been best friends through 3rd grade. During the summer, though, they got in a fight over what movie to watch and they hadn't been friends since. Skye kept waiting for Ava to apologize, but she never did. The girls spent all of 4th grade mad at each other. Skye missed her friend and finally decided that she should call Ava and make up with her.

Theme Options:

Forgiving someone is more important than being right.

Skye waited too long to forgive Ava.

Friendship shouldn't be destroyed over a movie.

Choose to be a bigger person like Skye.

Forgiving someone is more important than being right.