Review 1
Review 2
Review 3
Review 4
Review 5

The message or lesson the author wants the reader to understand, or learn.

What is theme?


What the text is mostly about.

What is the main or central idea?


The solution to the problem.

What is a resolution?


Division takes time to understand,  it's not rocket science.  Any fifth grader can learn how to do it. 

What is the idiom used in the sentence?

What does it mean?

What is It's not rocket science?

What is it's not difficult to do?


What is to persuade, inform, and entertain?

What is PIE?


A person who gives an account, or tells the story and its events.

Who is the narrator?


When the problem is solved.

What is a resolution?


POP!        BANG!


What is onomatopoeia?


Just like humans, pets can enjoy the great outdoors too.  But if you're bringing your four-legged buddy on your camping trip, make sure that you're prepared. Before bringing your pet, visit the vet and have all your pet's vaccines updated.  Next, check that your address and contact numbers are correct on their tags. Then, pack the following: a leash, collar and water dishes. Finally, all that's left for you to do is go on the trip and enjoy the great outdoors. 

How is this text organized?

What is sequential order?


When I walked into the movie theater it was loud and full of people.  The aroma of buttery popcorn floated through the air.  I looked around and saw life sized posters.  The snack line snaked up and down between the ropes.  Parents were hurriedly carrying buckets of popcorn sneaking sips of their drinks.  The kids were loud and excited eating their M&M's right out of the box.  I couldn't wait to get to my seat! 

What is imagery (creating a visual)?


The voice of the poem

What is the speaker?


Explanation, Compare/Contrast, Sequential Order, Cause and Effect, Problem/Solution

What is text structure, or text organization?


Graphs, maps, captions, titles, subheadings, photographs, diagrams, 

What are text features?


What are the elements of the plot diagram?

What is rising action, climax, falling action and resolution?


A comparison using like or as.

What is a simile?


A writing that completely answers the question with two paragraphs and text evidence while restating the question.

What is an SCR (shortened constructed response)?


Telling how something is alike or different.

What is the compare and contrast?


an element of literature used to hold onto the interest and anticipation of a reader throughout a story; a state of excitement or anxiety resulting from uncertainty or mystery

What is suspense?


Another word for problem

What is conflict?


American Business Women's Day takes place on September 22.  This is a day to honor the feats and triumphs of the millions of U.S. women workers and female business owners.

Which word could best replace feats as used above?

a. failures

b. accomplishments

c. diligence

d. hard work

What are accomplishments?


 The narrative voice through which a story is told 

What is point of view?


Michael bounced his right leg nervously as he sat in the sterile room.  The unwelcoming white walls blinded him, and the smell of harsh cleaning solvents attacked his nostrils. 

What can you infer about where Michael is?

A doctor's office


A writing that includes an introduction, two paragraphs, text evidence, and a conclusion while restating the question.

What is an ECR (extended constructed response)?


An exaggeration such as "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse."

What is a hyperbole?


Which pair of words are antonyms?

a. frequent, often

b. reduce, increase

c. eager, excited

What is reduce, increase?