Criteria (requirements)
Constraints (limitations)
Engineering Design Process
True or False: Criteria refers to specific details to be met by your design.
What is true?
True or False: Constraints refer to the limitations of your design.
What is true?
What is the first step of the Engineering Design Process? A. Imagine - brainstorm possible solutions B. Ask - define the problem C. Create - develop a prototype and test it D. Plan - think, sketch, and label the parts of your prototype
What is B. Ask - define the problem?
Which of the following would be considered criterion of building a bridge? A. Use only the materials provided B. Width of bridge must measure at least 1 inch C. Construct a bridge in 30 minutes or less D. Materials can be found at the back of the room
What is B. Width of bridge must measure at least 1 inch?
Which of the following would be considered a constraint of building a bridge? A. Use only the materials provided B. Width of bridge must measure at least 1 inch C. Construct a bridge as long as possible D. Materials can be found at the back of the room
What is A. Use only the materials provided?
Put the steps of the Engineering Design Process in order: create, plan, improve, ask, imagine, communicate
What is ask, imagine, plan, create, improve, communicate?
Which of the following is NOT a criterion? A. You must work in a group of 3 B. Build a tower using Legos only C. Verbal communication between partners is not allowed D. Build the tallest tower possible in under 20 minutes
What is B. Build a tower using Legos only?
Which of the following is NOT a constraint? A. Build a tower that can hold a golf ball at the top B. Build a tower using Legos only C. 1 partner must be blindfolded while building D. Build the tallest tower possible in under 20 minutes
What is A. Build a tower that can hold a golf ball at the top?
Ms. Sutton wants to build a catapult that will launch a bottle cap 20 feet. According to the Engineering Design Process, what should she do first? A. Go online and see how others have built catapults. B. Begin gathering supplies. C. Figure out how much money she can spend. D. Test her idea, and see if it works.
What is A. Go online and see how others have built catapults?
Ms. Sutton wants to build a catapult, but doesn't know how. She wants to build a catapult that will launch a bottle cap 20 feet, but will have to do research to find out how to build one. She only has straws, popsicle sticks, and tape to build the catapult. She also has rubber bands, but Miss Allen says she can’t use rubber bands that aren't latex-free. What is the criteria?
What is Ms. Sutton wants to build a catapult that will launch a bottle cap 20 feet, will have to do research to find out how to build one, and only has straws, popsicle sticks, and tape to build the catapult?
Ms. Sutton wants to build a catapult, but doesn't know how. She wants to build a catapult that will launch a bottle cap 20 feet, but will have to do research to find out how to build one. She only has straws, popsicle sticks, and tape to build the catapult. She also has rubber bands, but Miss Allen says she can’t use rubber bands that aren't latex-free. What is the constraint?
What is Miss Allen says she can’t use rubber bands that aren't latex-free?
True or False: Research comes after you develop ideas for a project.
What is False?
Give an example of a project with specific criteria (more than one criterion).
Answers will vary.
Give an example of a project with specific constraints (more than one).
Answers will vary.
Justina wants to design a water filter that will improve the quality of the water in her town. She first identifies the problem and then starts to build her water filter using a water bottle, sand, and coffee filter. What is missing from this scenario? (Hint: 2 steps are missing)
What is Imagine (brainstorming) and Plan (sketching and gathering materials)?