Where's Waldo
Schedule 101
School Rules
Classes are done, now what?

What are the names of the two middle schools in our district?

What is William Paca Middle School and William Floyd Middle School (give points for New Middle School)?


Why is it important to have a schedule in school?

What is...so you know when and where to go during your school day?


What are some rules that we have in elementary school that are still the same in middle school?

What is (any of following)?

No fighting

No Bullying

No phones

No cursing

No cheating

No cutting/skipping class

No stealing

No drugs, alcohol, tobacco products


What are some of the activities places to go in school when classes are over?

What is extra help, clubs, sports, Advantage?


While you probably should have gone to bathroom during lunch or in between classes, you have to go to bathroom while in class.  What do you do?

What is raise your hand, ask teacher's permission, and fill out pass which you will take to and from bathroom?


Who should you talk to if you need to change your schedule?

What is school counselor or school guidance counselor?

Bonus Pts if you can name any of the school counselors at middle school


Where should you go if you lose your schedule?

What is Guidance office (in between periods, or with an appointment/pass during class time) or Parent/Student Portal?

Make sure to put it somewhere safe.


What are some of the consequences for breaking rules in school?

What is (any of following)?

Lunch Detention


Phone Call home

ISS In School Suspension

OSS Out of School Suspension

Superintendent's Hearing (Long Term Suspension)

Failing Grades on test if caught cheating


When can you participate in sports in school?

What is 7th grade?


You forgot your locker combination.  What do you do?

What is-get your combination from main office, ap office or guidance office staff?  You should also write it down and keep it with important documents like your schedule and ID.  


Who should you talk to if you are having a hard time understanding school work?

Who is the teacher (of the class you are having hard time with)?  You should go to that teacher during extra help period. 


If you have an A/B schedule class, how do you know which day it is?

What is school announcements, A/B Day printed schedule, WFSD website, or look for signs on office/class windows/doors?

What do you need to leave class (for bathroom, appointments, etc.) and walk in the hallways when classes are in session?
What is a Hall Pass

Bonus Points if you can tell us what information would be on a hall pass


What is required in order to play sports?

What is updated physical and good standing with grades, attendance, and behavior?

Another student is threatening to fight you in school.  What do you do?

What is talk to parent, teacher, principal, or mental health support staff (social worker, counselor, psychologist)?

Do not fight.  You will get in trouble even if you didn't start it. 


Who can you talk to if you are being bullied?

Who is/are the DASA Coordinators, school psychologists, school counselors, teachers, social workers, principals?

Bonus points if you can name any of them


What should you do with your schedule?

What is (any of the following)?

Put it in wallet/purse/bookbag/folder

Make copies so you have extras (you can make a smaller copy and put it behind your school ID)


What is the name of the school principal at PACA/WFMS?

Who is Dr. Gode/Ms. Person?


What are some clubs that I can participate in at middle school?

What is (names at least 2-3 of following)?

A caPaca Club

Art Club

Chamber Orchestra – “Thunderstrings”

Coding Club

Coffee House Club

Community of Unity Club

Film & Theater Club

Fitness Club

Gaming Club - Tabletop

Garden Club

Home & Career Club

Human Connections Club

Jazz Band

Jazz Choir

Literary Magazine

Math Olympiads

SBU STEP - Stony Brook University Science & Tech Entry Program

Science Research Club

Sound & Light Club

Step Squad Club

Student Council/School Store

Yearbook Club


Middle school starts at 8:00 AM.  You are worried about being late to school and will not have enough time between classes to be on time to each class. What should you do?

What is have a good night time routine (get to bed early, turn off/put in airplane mod all electronic devices, set multiple alarms, put out your clothes the night before, make sure bookbag is packed the night before with completed homework)? During the school day, go straight to class and do not stop in the hallways to have conversations with friends. 


Where should you go if someone stole something from you?

What is the principal's or assistant principal's office?

What are 3 things you would find on your schedule?

What is?

Any 3 of the following:  (Bonus points if all or most are named)

1.  Student Name

2.  Student ID Number

3.  Student Grade

4.  School Term

5.  Periods and Period Times

6.  Class Names

7.  Teacher Names

8.   Class/Teacher Room Numbers

9.   A/B Day schedules

10.  Locker number and combo


What should you have with you at all times when you are in school?

What is school ID (which you use to sign into school and sign out if you are picked up early)?


Why should you go to extra help every day?

What is (any of following)?

Get best possible grades in school

Get help understanding class material

Get help with homework

Study and get help with test preparation

Use testing accommodations if you have any

Get help with labs (science)


What is your biggest fear/concern about middle school and what are some strategies you can use to cope/deal with this?

Depends on first part-some examples below

What is harder school work/increased hw?  Coping skill would be to attend class every day, go to extra help every day, do hw, study more, etc.

What is bullying?  Coping skills would be to report and talk about any concerns with parents and school staff (DASA Coordinator, principal/ap, teachers, mental health support staff)

What is forgetting locker combination?  Coping skills would be to write it down and keep it with you and ask for help in an office of needed.  Also, practice doing combination.  

What is getting to classes in 3 minutes?  Coping skills would be to go directly to your classes and avoid long conversations with friends in hall or extended locker visits (be organized).