Text Structure
Author's Craft
Natural Disasters
Central Idea

This text structure describes events in the order that they happened. What is it?

Sequence of events or chronological order. 


This is the reason an author writes a story, such as to inform, entertain, or persuade. What is it?

Author's Purpose.


This word describes the process of keeping something in good condition through regular care and upkeep, such as repairing or servicing equipment. What is it?



This type of natural disaster occurs when the earth shakes due to movements in tectonic plates. What is it?



Consider the following items: a cake, colorful streamers, party hats, balloons, and confetti. What is the central idea that connects these objects?

A birthday party.


What would most likely be the text structure of an article examining the differences and similarities between two presidential candidates? 

Compare and contrast. 


This is the specific attitude or feeling the author expresses in their writing, often revealed through word choice and details. What is it?



This word refers to the solid base or underlying support that holds something up, such as a building, or the fundamental principles on which an idea or belief is built. What is it?



This natural disaster is characterized by strong winds and heavy rain, often forming over warm ocean waters and causing severe damage when it makes landfall. What is it?



Consider these items: a backpack, a lunchbox, a notebook, a set of pencils, and a water bottle. What is the central idea that connects these objects?

The central idea is that all these items are essential for a student’s daily school experience.


Read the following passage:

"The school playground often gets flooded after it rains, making it difficult for students to play outside. To solve this problem, the school installed better drainage systems to help the water flow away faster."

Problem and solution.


What is one strategy an author may use to keep a reader engaged? 

Build suspense.


This term describes lines or paths that run in the same direction and are always the same distance apart, never meeting. It can also refer to situations or ideas that are similar or comparable. What is it?



The life cycle of this natural disaster includes several stages: initial magma formation, rising magma that leads to a buildup of pressure, an eruption releasing ash and lava, and finally, the cooling and solidification of lava into new landforms. What is it?

Volcanic Eruption


Can there be multiple central ideas for one text? 

No, the central idea is the overarching, broad concept or message that an entire text is focused on. It's more comprehensive and reflects the key takeaway or lesson from the text as a whole.


Read the following passage:

"When a hurricane forms over warm ocean waters, it gathers strength from the heat and moisture in the air. As the hurricane moves toward land, it causes strong winds and heavy rainfall, which can lead to widespread flooding and damage to homes and infrastructure."

Cause and effect.


Read the following sentences:

  1. “The classroom was a zoo during recess.”
  2. “The classroom was full of students making noise and moving around.”
  3. "There was a time bomb under the ocean."

Decide whether the sentences use figurative or literal language.

1. figurative

2. literal

3. figurative


What are scientists who study earthquakes called? 



This natural disaster is a series of powerful waves caused by underwater disturbances such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides. It can travel across oceans and cause massive destruction when it reaches coastal areas. What is it?

A Tsunami 


Can there be multiple main ideas in a text? 

Yes, the main idea is the specific point or topic of a particular section or paragraph within a text. It answers what that part is about in detail, supporting the larger central idea.


Read the following passage:

"Earthquakes can cause severe damage to buildings, but scientists have developed a solution to reduce destruction. Engineers now design buildings with shock absorbers and flexible materials, allowing them to sway with the movement of the ground instead of collapsing under the pressure."

Problem and solution. 


These elements help organize information in nonfiction texts, guiding readers through the content and indicating what each section will discuss. What are they?

Section headings. 


This term refers to the size, extent, or importance of something, often used in the context of measuring the strength of earthquakes. What is it?



Scientists use various methods to predict these events, including monitoring seismic activity, measuring gas emissions, studying ground deformation, and analyzing historical rock patterns. What are they predicting?

Volcanic Eruptions


What is one way that learning about natural disasters can keep us safe? 

Answers may vary.