All About Verbs
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Figurative Language

Which of these words means to prevent you from getting to something?

a. plantation 

b. barrier 

c. abolish 

d. emancipation 

b. barrier 


Anna ________ a lot of books. 


Anna reads a lot of books.


Jack wants to build a birdhouse. He gets some wood. He gets some nails and paint. His mom helps too. She gets a saw and a hammer. She gets a pencil and ruler. Jack draws his birdhouse. They build it together. Then they hang it up in a tree. A bird goes into the bird house. A second bird goes in. A third bird goes in. A fourth bird goes in! Jack and his mom look at each other. They need a bigger birdhouse!

Who are the characters of this story?

Jack and his mom 


Katie and Steven _____ to work together.


Katie and Steven drive to work together.

Mom tapped Matt's head with her finger. "Don't be so hard-headed, Matt." she said. "It is just as I have told you. Eat your broccoli and then you can have ice cream." 

Matt's mom tells Matt to not be so hard-headed because...

a. he is being stubborn.

b. his head is too hard.

c. he doesn't like ice cream.

a. he is being stubborn.


Which of these words means to disagree with something?

a. oppose 

b. risk 

c. demonstrate 

d. abolish 

a. oppose 


Mike ______ to a speech about injustice. 


Mike listens to a speech about injustice. 


Jack wants to build a birdhouse. He gets some wood. He gets some nails and paint. His mom helps too. She gets a saw and a hammer. She gets a pencil and ruler. Jack draws his birdhouse. They build it together. Then they hang it up in a tree. A bird goes into the bird house. A second bird goes in. A third bird goes in. A fourth bird goes in! Jack and his mom look at each other. They need a bigger birdhouse! 

What happens first in this story?

Jack and his mom gather supplies to build a birdhouse.


My dog ______ on the bed with his muddy paws.


My dog jumps on the bed with his muddy paws.

The teacher had to separate the students because they fight like cats and dogs. 

The teacher says the students fight like cats and dogs because...

a. the students really love cats and dogs.

b. the students are always arguing with each other. 

c. the students are best friends. 

b. the students are always arguing with each other.


Which of these words means to tell the difference between two things?

a. demonstrate 

b. plantation 

c. emancipation 

d. distinguish 

d. distinguish 


I _____ going to the store with my mom after school.

a. is 

b. are

c. am 

d. be 

c. I am going to the store with my mom later.


Jack wants to build a birdhouse. He gets some wood. He gets some nails and paint. His mom helps too. She gets a saw and a hammer. She gets a pencil and ruler. Jack draws his birdhouse. They build it together. Then they hang it up in a tree. A bird goes into the bird house. A second bird goes in. A third bird goes in. A fourth bird goes in! Jack and his mom look at each other. They need a bigger birdhouse!

What happens second in this story?

Jack and his mom build the birdhouse and hang it in a tree.


Dr. King ____ famous. 

a. is 

b. are

c. am 

d. be 

a. Dr. King is famous. 


The 5th grade class was working on a project to see how long it takes redworms to compost fruit and vegetable peels. " I am so proud! Your students are as busy as bees!" said the principle. 

The principle said that the students were as busy as bees because...

a. They are working with bugs.

b. They are working very hard on their project.

c. They are using honey in their compost.

b. They are working very hard on their project.


Which of these words means you are in danger of losing or harming something?

a. abolish 

b. strike 

c. risk 

d. freedom 

d. risk 


The students _____soccer in gym class. 


The students play soccer in gym class. 

Jack wants to build a birdhouse. He gets some wood. He gets some nails and paint. His mom helps too. She gets a saw and a hammer. She gets a pencil and ruler. Jack draws his birdhouse. They build it together. Then they hang it up in a tree. A bird goes into the bird house. A second bird goes in. A third bird goes in. A fourth bird goes in! Jack and his mom look at each other. They need a bigger birdhouse! 

What happens third in this story?

Four birds go into the birdhouse, and Jack and his mom decide they need a bigger birdhouse.


Our heroes ____special to us. 

a. is 

b. are

c. am

d. be 

b. Our heroes are special to us.



My class is going to the movies on a field trip next week. We have to get permission slips signed before we go. We also need to ask our parents if they will drive to the movie theater. We are going to see a movie that tells the story from a book we read. We love it when movies are made from books. It is fun to compare the movie to the book. I usually like the book better. We get to the movie early so we can buy popcorn. Some of us buy candy and slushes too. We all enjoy watching the movie. When we return to school, we talk about things that were in the movie and the book. The movie and book are similar. We all agree that we like the book better though. Books let you picture the characters any way you want to picture them. 

What do the students have to do before they can go to the movies?

The students need to get their permission slips signed before they can go to the movies.


Which of these words means having the same rights?

a. emancipation 

d. oppose

c. equality 

d. distinguish 

c. equality 


She _____ reading a book. 

a. are 

b. am 

c. is 

d. be 

c. She is reading a book.


Jane was very sad. She could not find her doll. Her mom said, “Look in your room. Maybe your doll is there.” Jane looked in her room. It was a terrible mess. She started to clean her room. She put all the books on the shelf. She put her blankets on her bed. She picked up her clothes off the floor. “I found her,” Jane said. “My doll was hiding under my clothes. I think she was playing hide and seek.” Jane put her doll in the dollhouse. Her room was clean, and now it was time to play.

What is the setting of this story?

In the house in Jane's room.


The middle schoolers ______ a poster to show their favorite hero.


The middle schoolers make a poster to show their favorite hero.