Destructive Force
Constructive Force
Changing Earth's Surface

What is the acronym (nickname) for the three main types of forces? hint* also an abbreviation for a day of the week

What is W.E.D


The Hawaiian islands were created from what constructive landform?

What is volcanos


When Earthquakes occur, this technology is used to measure their intensity.

What are seismographs

The Movement of sediment or soil from one location to another by means of water, ice, or wind is _______.
What is Erosion
A surface feature that is formed by deposition in rivers is called_______.
What is delta
What two processes formed the Grand Canyon?
What is weathering and erosion

What two landforms are responsible for the formation of most valleys on Earth.

What are rivers and glaciers


Lake Lanier's watre is held back and controlled by this technology that daily lets water out of the lake. It cuts accross Lake Lanier

What is a dam

What process is happening when ponds filling up with sediment and becoming marshes? (weathering, erosion, deposition)
What is Deposition
How are sand dunes created?
What is wind depositing sand into piles and patterns
Deposition and Erosion are both Destructive Forces. True or False
False. Deposition is constructive because it creates new land.
What causes earthquakes?
What is the tectonic plates moving and sliding past one another

In the Philippines and parts of Indonesia, this ancient form of erosion controll allows rice and other crops to avoid being destroyed by water runoff  arranged in a series of steps

What is terracing


What processes forms a canyon?

What is a river weathering and eroding rocks until it has dug far down with steep walls of rocks on either side


This is created when waves over time weather away sediment on the side of ocean clifss

what is a sea arch

What is the line created by an earthquake called?
What is a fault line

Name three constructive landforms formed from constructive forces

Landslides, volcanos, wind, water, deltas, sand dunes,etc


In Japan, the island nation suffers periodic tsunamis that cause huge tidal waves that can damage cities. What technology can be used to prevent the destructive nature of these waves?

What are seawalls

An earth quake is most likely to appear
What is along two tectonic plates
Weathering and Erosion by glaciers would form a ____________ shaped valley
What is U-shaped Valley
As Glaciers move, they can pick up huge rocks, even boulders and move them. This is an example of______.
What is Erosion
This forms as a river rushes down a steep slope, then slows and drops sediment?
What is a delta

In urban metropolitan areas, flooding is a major issue that can damage property and over time can cause major erosion damage. What technology can urban planners use to limit the flooding that happens in these areas?

What are storm drains, to allow water to run off into the sewers.


These embankments found alongside rivers assist with prveenting flooding to the neighboring areas and also reduces erosion damage.

What are levees


A sand dune and a delta are both formed by___________

What is erosion and deposition