Christ's resurrection proves that this is true
The Gospel
This is who God offers salvation to
All mankind (all people)
Regeneration is a special work of whom?
Sinners repent by turning away from this
Their sin
Faith is a whole-hearted commitment and trust in this
Jesus alone for salvation
These people gave testimony about Christ's resurrection
The Apostles or eyewitnesses
This is to whom God has given the responsbility to proclaim the gospel
Regeneration gives this to people who are dead in their trespasses and sins
New life
He repented on the road to Damascus
Faith is assurance that God will be faithful to this
His promises
The resurrection proves that Christ has conquered this
These are the possible responses to the gospel
1. Submission to God in faith
2. Rejection
He was the Pharisee who came to Jesus at night to ask what he needed to do in order to be right with God
This is the kind of sorrow over sin that leads to repentance
Godly sorrow
Faith commits the whole person in obedience to Christ as this
If Christ had not been raised from the dead, then this would be worthless
Christians' faith
God chose certain people for salvation before this happened
The creation of the world
In order to see the kingdom of God, Jesus said that person must be what?
Born again
He expereinced wordly sorrow after selling his birthright
In the bible, these creatures are given as an example of believing truth about Jesus but not having faith in Him.
How many Christians saw Jesus on earth after he was resurrected
Over 500
God soveriegnly saves some who hear the gospel by this type of call
Effectual call
Jesus compared regeneration to this thing which can be heard without knowing where it came from or where it is going
The wind
In His sermon on the mount, Jesus taught about repentance when he said, "Blessed are those" who do this.
Hebrews 11:1 states that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of this
things not seen