Simplify Expressions
Decimals & Fractions

Find the product of 200 and 70.

What is 14,000?


In the school auditorium there are 33 seats in each row of seats. How many rows are needed for 528 students to each have their own seat?

What is 61 rows?


An expression is given. 

3 x ( 8 + 2) / 2 

What is true about the parentheses in this expression?

What is the parenthese tells us that we have to add 8 plus 2 first?
Mark filled the car with 15.25 gallons of gas on Monday. On Thursday, Mark filled the car with 13.63 gallons of gas. What is the best estimate of the amount of gas Mark bought in those two days to the nearest tenth of a gallon?

A) 30 gallons
B) 29 gallons
C) 28.9 gallons
D) 28.8 gallons

What is 28.9 gallons?


While cleaning her room, Shaelyn found 7 cents on her desk, 98 cents under her bed, and 2 dollars and 4 cents in her closet. What is the total amount of money Shaelyn found?

What is $3.09?


Last month a flower shop employee ordered 48 cases of roses. There were 144 roses in each case. How many roses did this employee order?

What is 6,912 roses?


Juana is reading a 528 page book. She reads 22 pages every day. How many days will it take Shauna to read the entire book? 

What is 24 days?


A chef used 1/4 cup of milk for one recipe. Then she used 2 cups of milk for each of 5 more cups. The total number of cups of milk the chef used can be found by using this expression. 

1/4 + (2 x 5)

How many cups of milk did the chef use?

What is 10 1/4 cup of milk?


An airplane is loaded with 98 suitcases in the cargo department. Each suitcase weighs about 47 pounds. Which of the following is a reasonable estimate of the total weight of the suitcases?

A) 3,600 pounds
B) 4,500 pounds
C) 5,000 pounds
D) 150 pounds

What is 4,500 pounds?


Landon had one string that was 10 meters long. He used 6.275 meters of this string for a project. 

What was the length of string in meters that Landon had left?

What is 3.725 meters?


A company makes 625 cell phone cases each day. How many cell phone cases does the company make in 31 days?

What is 19,375 phone cases?


Nico put 1,012 pokemon cards into boxes. He put 22 cards in each box. How many boxes did Nico need for these pokemon cards?

What is 70 boxes?


A family spent $93 at a carnival.
- They spent $18 on tickets to the carnival and $36 on food.
- They spent the rest of the money on games.

What equation can be used to find g, the amount of money in dollars the family spent on games?

What is 93 = g + 36  + 18?


Mr. Medina had 123 eggs in a refrigerator in his restaurant. He put 32 more cartons of eggs in his refrigerator. Each carton contained 18 eggs. Which of these is the best estimate of the number of eggs Mr. Marquez now has in his refrigerator? 

What is 700 eggs?


Mr. Greenidge used a full 2-liter bottle of liquid soap to fill two soap containers. 

- He put 0.475 liter of soap in the first container.
- He put 0.35 liter of soap in the second container. 

How many liters of liquid soap remained in the bottle?

What is 1.175 L?
Rodrigo added 14 to the product of 224 and 16. What is this sum?

What is 3,598?


Lesly has a box of 908 beads for making bracelets. She wants to put 15 beads on each bracelet she makes. What is the greatest number of bracelets Lesly can make with these beads?

What is 60 bracelets?


Three friends rode their bikes last week. 

-Christine rode her bike 27 kilometers.
-Phillip rode his bike 12 kilometers less than Christine.
-Nathan rode his bike 3 times as far as Phillip.

Write an equation that represents n, the distance in kilometers Nathan rode on his bike.

What is (27-12) x 3 = n ?


Paula wants to buy 3 shirts and 2 belts. The shirt costs $16.89 each, and the belts cost $8.97 each. Paula has $45. 

Which of these amounts is the best estimate of how much more money Paula needs in order to buy the shirts and belts?

What is $24?

Zyanya cut 18 1/2 inches off a rope that was 60 inches long. How is the length of remaining rope in inches written in decimal form?

What is 41.5 inches?


Find the product of 429 and 52. 

What is 22,308?


What is 3,256 divided by 22?

What is 148?


Mr. Rosario packed 31 red apples and 41 green apples into a box for a customer. He packed 8 boxes like this. Mr. Rosario used this equation to find x, the number of apples he packed into all the boxes.

x = (31 + 41)8

How many apples did Mr. Rosario pack into the boxes?

What is 575 apples?


Michelle pays $618 for 6 months of guitar lessons. She pays the same amount for lesson each month. Which of the following is the best estimate of the amount Michelle pays each month?

A) $100
B) $150
C) $125
D) $200

What is $100?


Yaretzy finished a bike race in 37.6 minutes. Britany finished the race in 9 1/10 minutes sooner than Yaretzy did. How many minutes did it take Britany to finish the race?

What is 28.5 minutes?