Athenian Government
What is a Direct Democracy?
Spartan Government
What is an Oligarchy?
Roman Government
Representative Democracy
Macedonia Ruler
Who is Alexander the Great?
Number of sub-arguments in your Thesis (A)
2 sub-arguments
Philosopher who loved democracy and was sentenced to death for the way he taught
Who is Socrates?
Spartan is best known for this
What is their military strength?
Two social classes in Rome, which class had more power and what were the populations of these classes
What are the Patricians (5% of population) and Plebeians (95% of population) and Patricians had more power?
Persian perspective of Alexander the Great
What is Alexander destroyed the Persian empire and was not a hero?
Way to write evidence in history (NE)
Include the:
document name, author, paraphrased evidence OR quoted evidence with paraphrased context BEFORE your evidence, and lastly document number at the end in parenthesis.
Considered Citizens in Athens
Who are Athenian born men aged 30 years old and over?
What is the Peloponnesian War?
Rebellion of Rome and who was involved and why did they rebel
What is the Conflict of Orders where Plebeians rebelled because Patricians were unfairly treating the Plebeians. Patricians did not write down laws.
Idea Alexander the Great spread throughout Macedonia and Greece?
What is Hellenism?
Correct this sentence using the conventions of writing:
the roman Republic was a representative democrazy where citizens elected gvt officials to vote on public MATTERS.
The Roman Republic was a representative democracy where citizens elected government officials to vote on public matters.
Group of 500 citizens chosen to form a council responsible for running the day -to-day business of government. Met every day.
What is the Council of 500?
Small group of Spartans who made all important governing decisions
What is the Council of Elders?
Government roles citizens of Rome can elect officials to
What is the senate, council and tribune?
What is the spreading of Greek culture, language and ideas?
Corners to Zoom Out On
POV (Point of View), HC (Historical Context and AUD (Audience)
Great government leader who developed Athens' culture, democracy and power. Rebuilt Athens and gave a famous speech called "Funeral Oration"
Who is Pericles?
Name of the peninsula that Athens and Sparta were located
What is the Peloponnesian peninsula?
Group Patricians rebelled against due to them not being native Romans
Who are Etruscans?
Similarities and differences of Athenian government and Roman government
Similarities: Both had a democracy which allowed citizens to participate in government
Differences: Rome had a representative democracy while Athens had a direct democracy.
Sentence starter for POV and HC Zoom Out 1
Pov: As a (insert role) it would make sense that (author's name) would say (insert evidence from NE) because (explain how role influences evidence and connect back to one of your subclaims in your thesis)
HC: During this time (insert important events/ concepts, occurring at the time) which would influence (insert author's name) to say (insert evidence from NE). This (important event/concept) connects to my argument because (explain how the historical context connects to the argument)