What is 78?
24 x 5
What is 120?
3.36 - 2.28
What is 1.08?
What is the area of a square with a side that is 6 inches long?
What is 36 inches square?
1/4 xx1/3
What is
What is 978?
421 x 21
What is 8,841?
8.22 - 4.10
What is 4.12?
What is the area of a rectangle that is 4 inches in height by 3 inches long?
What is 12 square inches?
2/3 *1
What is 19?
421.4 x 8
What is 3371.2?
4.1 + 2.11
What is 6.21?
What is the area of a rectangle that is 12 inches long by 9 inches in height?
What is 108 square inches?
2/3 * 6
What is 4?
***This will have a remainder.***
What is 51 r24?
42.11 x 2.1
What is 86.331?
1.004 + 3.2
What is 4.204?
What is the area of a rectangle that is 4.2 inches long by 3.4 inches in height?
What is 14.28 square inches?
3/4 *24
What is 18?
***This will have a remainder***
What is 88 r2?
4 x (1/100)
What is 0.04?
$18.39 + $7.07
What is $25.46?
What is the area of a triangle that has a base of 6 inches and a height of 10 inches?
What is 30 square inches?
1/2 / 1/4
What is 2?