Sticky Fingers/Fair Trade
Adaptations - Chickens
Tar Beach
Moving Story/Bad Move
Face Off at Colosseum
Fill in a vocabulary word for the following sentence. Cocoa is farmed in villages that are "far away" from cities and towns.
What is remots
The mother was muttering about what might have killed the chickens. What was she doing?
What is talking in a low voice.
Name a strategy that you can use to improve your reading comprehension BEFORE you start reading a passage.
What is preview, set a purpose, make a predition, think about what you know about the topic.
What does it mean if you despise something.
What is really don't like it.
What do you do if you are spectators?
What is someone who watches
You might use this word is something is perfect or a dream situation.
What is idyllic
I was unable to handle the obstacles of life after a little while. What are obstacles?
What is something that gets in your way.
What is a strategy that you can use to improve your reading comprehension WHILE or DURING reading?
What is visualize/mental images, ask & answer questions, confirm/change predictions
Where is the climax of any story?
What is when the main character makes a decision to solve the problem.
What is a synonym for Colosseum?
What is arena
Fair trade items "do not allow" children labor, poor working conditions, or slavery. What is the word that means "do not allow?"
What is prohibit
adjustment and adaptations are synonyms. Explain what they both mean.
What is getting used to something and the ability to change to that situation.
What is a strategy you can use AFTER you finish reading to improve your comprehension?
What is Confirm/change predictions, summarize, make inferences, answer questions, look back
Describe what the clothing looks like if it is tattered.
What is torn or ragged.
What are you doing if you are giving an account of an event?
What is telling a story.
This means the ability of a cocoa farm to use earth friendly practices.
What is sustainability.
How would you describe the narrator from this story in one word?
What is having to do with adapting/adjusting
What am I doing if I have to hoist something?
What is lift it up.
What is a Venn Diagram, and when would you use it?
What is a Venn Diagram is a graphic organizer used when comparing and contrasting two stories of similar nature.
What was the main idea of A Face-Off in the Colosseum? Why is it important to be so specific?
What is The character Androcles' kindness was repaid when he faced the lion in the Colosseum. It's important to be specific, because if you are too general, you could be talking about other stories, rather than the one you are reading.
Describe how the fair trade movement helps to improve the lives of cocoa farmers. Use information that you remember from the passage.
What is helping to improve the lives of farmers by requiring that living and working conditions be safe and clean. The fair trade movement helps improve lives of farmers by making sure they are paid farily for their work. Fair trade items are sold for higher price, so that farmers earn more $ and their working conditions improve.
What was a theme of the story. Give examples from the story.
What is adapting to changes and new situations in life, such as the narrator having to adapt to the new home, and new parents, new school, less independence, etc.
What is something that you have marveled at?
What is something they were amazed by.
How did each of the girls in these stories respond to the challenges in their lives?
What is Marty eventually accepted that she couldn't change moving, and made a plan for the move to be a positive experience. Lin responded in negative ways at school to attract negative attention to herself.
What was the Colosseum of Rome compared to in today's time?
What is a football stadium.