Figurative Language
Context Clues
Anything Goes
Anything Goes 2
The line we had to wait in for lunch was 500 miles long! This is what type of figurative language?
What is hyperbole
Camels were once wild animals in Arabia and Asia, but they were DOMESTICATED long ago. What does the word in capital letters mean?
What is tamed, or trained to be used by humans for work or as pets.
to tell how two or more items are different from each other
What is contrast
Give a synonym (1) and antonym (2) for the word elderly
What is (1) old and (2) young
Give an example of onomatopoeia.
What is crash, zoom, bang, buzz, etc.
Her voice was a church bell when she sang. This is an example of which type of figurative language?
What is metaphor
The two kinds of camels are the one-humped and the two-humped. The two-humped camels are STURDIER and can carry heavier loads.
What is stronger, less fragile
To use clues from a story to figure out something the author doesn't specifically say
What is drawing conclusions / making inferences
Copy this sentence and put commas where they belong: After hearing about the house fire I made sure we had new batteries in our smoke detector a planned escape route and a ladder to climb down from the second floor.
What is After hearing about the house fire, I made sure we had new batteries in our smoke detector, a planned escape route, and a ladder to climb down from the second floor.
Read the paragraph. Find the main idea and 2 supporting details: There are several events that can change the Earth's surface very quickly. Volcanoes can erupt and spread lava, rock and ash for several miles. Earthquakes can leave large cracks in the Earth's surface.
What is Main Idea:Different things can change the Earth's surface quickly. Supporting Detail: Volcanoes can erupt and spread lava, rock and ask. Supporting Detail: Earthquakes crack the surface.
Lenny was going to hit up is neighbor to see if he would buy any of the products for the fundraiser. This is an example of which type of figurative language.
What is idiom
Leo was APPREHENSIVE about meeting his friend's dog because the dog was so large and had sharp teeth.
What is unsure, nervous.
to tell the most important information from a passage
What is summarize
a genre consisting of stories that could have actually occurred to people or animals in a believable setting. These stories resemble real life, and fictional characters within these stories react similarly to real people.
What is realistic fiction
Write a topic sentence for these supporting details: They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind. It can take months to clean up after a flood.
What is Floods can cause tremendous damage
I like that the rubber ball was burping as he sat on it. This is an example of which type of figurative language?
What is personification
Jake asked his mother for permission to go to his friend Rodney’s dance party, stating that his grades had improved, and he was quite pleased when she CONSENTED.
What is gave permission.
to break something down into parts to explain it better
What is analyze
a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral
What is fable
What point of view is this passage told from: "You have to pretend that you are a rabbit," said George. I asked him if he was just kidding or if he was serious. He said, "I have never been so serious about anything in my life."
What is first person
The sharp, rock-hard pieces of ice pierced her skin causing her to fall over in severe pain, shiver and go totally numb. Falling into the snowbank after being attacked by the bullies, she could only feel the hot stinging of her tears slowly dripping down her face. This is an example of what?
What is imagery
When Kiki got a tiny cut on her pinky finger, she got all MELODRAMATIC and began sobbing and demanding a doctor.
What is exaggerated, overemotional
the lesson or message an author is trying to show you, usually presented through how the main character handles the problem
What is theme
"When she asked me if her new dress was pretty, I should've just BITTEN MY TONGUE instead of hurting her feelings." What does the capitalized phrase mean?
What is to not speak what you are thinking
What point of view is this story told from: Julie and Rosie were best friends. When they saw the mysterious man, Julie immediately thought bad thoughts. Rosie was able to stay calm and think positively. Rosie assured herself that nothing was wrong and calmly put her arm around Julie.
What is third person omniscient