This was the name of the woman who prayed sincerely in the Temple and promised to give her son to the Lord.
Who is Hannah?
This was the reason the Israelites thought Saul would be a great king.
What is "He was tall and handsome"?
Before becoming king, David had this job, which showed his patience and care.
What is a shepherd?
Solomon built this grand structure that his father David had planned.
What is the Temple?
An annoying phrase your Sunday School teacher says, but it is actually for your benefit and you should listen to them.
What is "No, you cannot have water," "Show up on time," "You are staying after class," or "Pay attention"?
Hannah prayed for a child at this place, where Eli the priest saw her.
What is the Temple?
Samuel was upset when the Israelites asked for a king, but God told him they were actually rejecting this.
What is God's rule over them?
The name of the Philistine giant who challenged the Israelites to battle.
Who is Goliath?
When God appeared to Solomon in a dream, He told him to ask for anything. Solomon asked for this.
What is "wisdom and an understanding heart to judge the people fairly"?
Pot of manna, ten commandments, and Aaron's rod
What was in the Ark of covenant?
This priest helped raise Samuel and taught him how to serve in the Temple.
Who is Eli?
Saul disobeyed God by offering this instead of waiting for Samuel.
What is a burnt offering?
David showed restraint and respect for King Saul in the cave by doing this instead of harming him.
What is "cut the edge of his robe"?
This book of the Bible, written mostly by King Solomon, is filled with wise sayings and teachings about living a righteous life.
What is Proverbs?
Obed Edom's house
Where did they keep the ark of covenant when it was being taken to Jerusalem, after Uzzah died when he touched the ark?
The name "Samuel" means this.
What is "God has heard"?
When Samuel thought Jesse’s older sons would be chosen as king, God reminded him that He does not look at outward appearance, but at this.
What is the heart?
The reason Saul became increasingly jealous of David.
What is "The people praised David more than Saul because of his victories in battle"?
Because Solomon asked for this thing. God also gave him these additional blessings.
What are "wealth, honor, and a long life if he obeyed God"?
The time when the Bible study for Lent is held.
What is Friday 7-9?
When Samuel hears the Lord calling him saying, "Samuel, Samuel", he answered saying this
What is "Speak Lord, your servant hears"?
Saul first met Samuel while searching for these lost animals.
What are donkeys?
David brought this sacred object to Jerusalem, leading a great procession of music and joy.
What is the Ark of the Covenant?
The Queen of Sheba visited Solomon for this reason.
What is "To test his wisdom with difficult questions"?
This online platform, usually used for school, helps us organize and share quizzes for our Bible study.
What is Google Classroom?