Name 6 poems we studied by Elizabeth Bishop?
The Fish, First Death in Nova Scotia, The Prodigal,
Sestina, Filling Station, In the Waiting Room
Name the 3 boys Gar was friends with?
Joe, Ned, Tom
What is the name of Grandma's boyfriend in Room?
Where in Ireland was Brendan Kennelly born?
Ballylongford, Co. Kerry
Where is Yeat's buried?
Drumcliffe cemetery in Sligo with a backdrop of Benbulben mountains
What does Juxtaposition mean?
two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
What was the name of the teacher who visits Gar the night before he is due to leave?
Master Boyle
Why does Jack get funny looks at the Mall?
He has long hair and buys a pink Dora the Explorer bag.
Name and explain the type of sonnet in Dear Autumn Girl?
Petrarchan Sonnet.
8 lines= Octet and 6 lines= Sestet
What does Fatalism mean in An Irish Airman Foresees his Death?
Acceptance that events are determined by fate, therefore unchangeable.
What does Pathetic fallacy mean and why is it used in First Death in Nova Scotia?
When the weather reflects the emotion/mood. It used to show Winter highlighting Death in the poem.
Explain the term Cultural context?
The cultural context is the world or society of the text. It refers to when and where the story is set, the type of society that is represented in the text, its way of life, its values and its day-to-day rituals.
What is the name of the Doctor in the novel?
Dr. Clay
Which Garden is mentioned in the poem Things I Might Do?
The Garden of Gethsemane.
Explain the term Onomatopoeia and give an example.
The formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g. cuckoo, sizzle ).
E.g from Yeat's poetry: Clamorous wings (The Wild Swans at Coole'.
Name and explain the type of Sonnet used in The Prodigal?
Shakespearean sonnet made up of 3 Quatrains and a Rhyming Couplet.
List the Cultural Context headings for PHIC?
Setting, Social Class, Role of Women, Role of Men, Religion.
Name the 5 chapters in Room?
Presents, Unlying, Dying, After, Living
What is Iambic Pentameter?
A line of writing that consists of 10 syllables. Short unstressed syllable followed by a long stressed syllable
What does Anadiplosis mean?
Figure of speech in which a word or group of words is located at the end of one clause, and repeated at, or near the end of the following clause or sentence.
Explain what Sestina means?
6 stanza's of 6 lines ending with the same 6 words. Last stanza of 3 lines containing all 6 words.
Explain the term General Vision and Viewpoint and list the headings?
The way the author/director creates the play/ novel. Light & dark, Hope & despair, Constructive/destructive, Nurture/nature, Relationship, Characters, Opening/closing scene,
Key moments, Authors approach, Style
What is the name of the man who provided the idea for this book and how many children were born to him in captivity?
Josef Fritzl. 7 children were born in captivity.
Name 4 things that are repeated in the poem 'A Cry for Art O'Leary'?
You, Me, I, Man.
What is written on Yeat's tombstone?
Cast a cold-eye on Life, on Death, Horseman pass by.