The circulatory system
The heart
Pulmonary and systemic circulation
Excretory system

What is the circulatory system made up from?

The heart, the blood and blood vessels


How many chambers does the heart have?

It has four chambers: right ventricle, right atrium, left ventricle, left atrium.


Name two healthy habits to strengthen your heart and blood vessels.

Do regular exercise and eat a balanced diet.


Where does urine leave the body?

Through the urethra.


The blood travels through two different closed circuits in the body.

TRUE - the blood travels through the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit. 


Name the four different types of blood cells

Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma.


What is the function of the heart? What is the heart made of?

The heart´s function is to continuously pump blood around the body. The heart is made of muscle.


Where does gas exchange take place?

In the air sacs in the lungs.


Where does sweat leave the body?

Sweat leaves through pores in the skin.


There are two urethras.

FALSE - there are two URETERS, but only one URETHRA.


What is the difference between arteries and veins?

Arteries transport blood AWAY FROM the heart. Veins transport blood BACK TO the heart.


What is the purpose of the valves?

They make sure blood only flows in one direction.


Name two functions of the systemic circulation system.

The exchange of nutrients and gases into the blood. The elimination of waste from the body.


How do we know when our bladder is full?

Our brain tells us that we need to go to the toilet.


The kidneys store urine.

FALSE - the bladder stores urine.


What do the capillaries do?

They allow nutrients and oxygen to pass into the body. They allow carbon dioxide and waste products to be removed from the body.


Where does oxygenated blood enter the heart? Where does deoxygenated blood enter the heart?

Oxygenated blood enters the left atrium. Deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium.


What is the difference between pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation?

Pulmonary circulation is the flow of blood between the heart and lungs.

System circulation is the flow of blood between the heart and the rest of the body. 


Name two reasons why sweat is important.

Sweating helps to control our body heat when we are hot. Sweating helps to get rid of waste from the body. 


Red blood cells are rectangular shaped.

FALSE - red blood cells are disc shaped.


Why is it dangerous to cut yourself if you don´t have enough platelets in your blood.

Because platelets help to stop bleeding. If we don´t have enough platelets, we could lose a lot of blood if we cut ourselves.


Explain the flow of blood through the heart.

1) Deoxygenated blood from the body enters the right atrium.
2) The blood goes through the right ventricle towards the lungs.
3) Oxygenated blood from the lungs enter the left atrium.
4) The blood goes through the left ventricle towards the rest of the body.


Explain the four steps of systemic circulation.

1) Oxygenated blood leaves the heart through the left ventricle.
2) Blood travels through the arteries towards the organs.
3) In the capillaries, the blood releases nutrients and oxygen. It obtains carbon dioxide and waste products.
4) Blood flows through the veins to the heart through the right atrium.


Explain the functions of the kidneys.

The kidneys filter the blood. They retain waste substances and produce urine.


Platelets transport nutrients and waste around the body.

FALSE - PLASMA transports nutrients and waste around the body. Platelets are fragments of old cells which help to stop bleeding.