One of a kind

The color of Ray's first car (he said it was cool at the time).

What is yellow?


Ray always loved to sing. Name the song that was Ray's claim to fame as a kid.

What is My Way?


Camping was a favorite pastime of Charlie and Ray. Name the third member of the camping crew and the type of animal that he typically came with?

Who is Mark Friedman? What is a horse?


The perfect cookie.

What is an oreo?


Ray made one of the UPenn bars a popular destination as _____ and _____ of the establishment.

What is bouncer? What is bartender? 


The make of his first car.

What is Plymouth Satellite?


The two elementary schools that Ray attended.

What is Beethoven and Sumner?


Bill denomination that Ray once ripped in half on a camping trip. Hint, Charlie still has this.

What is a $1 bill?


Like a true Italian, the man loves his pastries. Name his favorite Italian pastry and how he pronounces it. Bonus points for the CORRECT pronunciation.

What is a Sfogliatella? What is Sfoy-Lya-Tellay?


Us Allieris don't always have the strongest stomachs. Name Ray's famous cure for a sour stomach.

What is bitters and soda?


Ray needed money to buy one of his first cars. Name the person who loaned him money.

Who is (brother) (uncle) (son) Brian?


The part of his body that was cut off in an X-Acto knife incident.

What is the top of his finger?


When in West Virginia, fast-food is probably the safest bet. On one of their camping trips, Ray and Charlie had to move Ray's car that was parked at this popular food joint.

What is Wendys?


Donning a helmet and holding tightly onto a stack of milk crates, name the skill that Ray attempted to learn 40 years overdue.

What is ice skating?


After being 'over-served' during a birthday outing in his twenties, Ray has not touched this liquor since.

What is Jack Daniels?


Name the person who sold Ray his first car.

Who is Mr. Giglio?


Nana said to never throw the first punch...but she never said anything about the second... The 'big kid' in the neighborhood who Ray had a fight with.

Who is Ronny Lozzi?


Last night at the dude ranch called for a round of shots for Ray and Charlie! This liquor is typically considered an 'after dinner' drink and claims to have completely natural coloring.

What is Chartreuse?


"This is the sound of music for our people." -- Ray

Name the movie he was referring to.

What is The Godfather?


At the annual Corley Luau party, Ray assumes his position as head bartender. This popular cocktail is a hit due to the unique vessel that it is served in. (Name the drink and the vessel).

What is pina colada? What is coconut?

This was the reason Ray got rid of his first car...maybe a little earlier than he would have liked.

What is a car accident in front of our house?


Ray would never get in the student that got Ray in trouble at RL?

Who is John Downey?


A full head of hair is not exactly what the Allieri men are known for, and apparently not their friend Mark either. Ray's 4 infamous words to Mark as he was getting off the plane for their camping trip.

What is 'is that a toupee'?


Ray and Anne have pizza every Friday night in Jupiter. Ray frequents a peculiar place where the pizza man knows his order. The pizza comes from an unusual establishment. Name that establishment. Bonus points if you know the nickname given to Ray by the pizza man.

What is a gas station? Who is hot sauce guy?


Ray and Grandad often found themselves in a bar together when Ray was young. Name the job that brought them there.

What is cleaning the beer-tap lines?