Misc. 1
Misc. 2
Misc. 3
Misc. 4
Misc. 5

I'm worried __________ my mom won't get the medical care that she needs. 

a. if 

b. that 

b. that 

(Pg. 394) 

A noun clause with "that" can followed by...

verb be + certain adjectives 


Do you know if ___________ graded any of our tests yet? 

a. has the teacher 

b. the teacher has 

b. the teacher has 

(Pg. 395) 

use statement word order after "if" or "whether" 


My parents aren't sure ________ or not they will be in town for Thanksgiving. 

a. if 

b. whether 

b. whether 

(Pg. 395)  


I don't know how long ________________. 

a. do you want me to help 

b. you want me to help 

b. you want me to help 

(Pg. 396) 

Do not use "do" / "does" / "did" in noun clauses with wh-words 


Stephanie moved to the country ___________ she loves living in the city. 

- so that 

- as long as 

- although 

- whenever 

- because 


(Pg. 337) 

although/even though/ though = CONTRAST 


I usually walk to work, but __________ it rains, I take the Subway. 

- as long as 

- because 

- whenever 

- although 

- so that 


(Pg. 336) 

"Whenever" means anytime or every time 


Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses and a corresponding modal verb (would, had, do, etc.)

If I had more time, I ___________ (study) another language. 

would study 

(Pg. 368) - Present Unreal Conditional 

Formula: If+simple past, would+base verb 


Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses and a corresponding modal verb (would, had, do, etc.)

I wish my dog _________ (stop) chewing up my shoes all the time. 

would stop 

(Pg. 369) 

Use would + base form of the verb to talk about situations in the present that you are dissatisfied or unhappy with 


Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses and a corresponding modal verb (would, had, do, etc.)

If I hadn't wasted time over the weekend, I __________ (finish) all my work. 

c. would have finished 

(Pg. 379) - Past Unreal Conditional 

Formula: If+past perfect , would+have+past participle 


Unless it snows on Saturday, I ___________ (go) skiing with my friends. 

am going to go / will go 

(Pg. 362)- Future Real Conditional 

Formula: If/Unless + simple present, will/be going to 


Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses and a corresponding modal verb (would, had, do, etc.)

Do you wish you ___________ (study) something different when you were in College? 

had studied 

(Pg. 380) 

Use the PAST PERFECT after WISH to express regrets about event or situations that happened or did not happen in the past 


Rewrite the quote below in reported speech:

Ray: "I love camping in the summer" 

Ray said / told me (that) he loves camping in the summer. 

(Pg. 405) - Rule #4 


Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses and a corresponding modal verb (would, had, do, etc.)

My students wish they ______________ (not / have to) take their grammar final on Thursday. 

didn't have to 

(Pg. 369) 

Use the SIMPLE PAST after wish to talk about present or future situations that you would like to be different 


Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses and a corresponding modal verb (would, had, do, etc.)

If we _________ (know) you were coming, we would have waited to eat dinner. 

had known 

(Pg. 379) - Past Unreal Conditional 

If+past perfect , would+have+past participle 


Rewrite the quote below in reported speech:

I told Mike, "Move the table into the living room." 

I told Mike to move the table into the living room. 

(Pg. 414) 

Use an -infinitive- to report commands 


Rewrite the quote below in reported speech:

Jennifer: "Did you cook dinner for your roommates?" 

Jennifer asked me if I had cooked dinner for my roommates. 

(Pg. 408) 

Use "if" or "whether" to report Yes/No questions 


Complete the conversation. Use real and unreal conditionals and the correct form of the words given. 

A: What will you do if you get some time off? 

B: _________________________________

(I / go / on vacation)  

If I get some time off, I will go on vacation. 

If I get some time off, I'm going to go on vacation. 

(Pg. 362)- Future Real Conditionals 

If + simple present , will/be going to 


Complete the conversation. Use real and unreal conditionals and the correct form of the words given. 

A: What would he do if his car was stolen? 

B: ____________________________________

(He / call / the police) 

If his car was stolen, he would call the police. 

(Pg. 368) - Present Unreal Conditional 

If + simple past , would + base form of the verb 


Put the words in the correct order. Add the correct punctuation. Each statement contains a noun clause. 

(you / know/ do / where / went / they) ? 

Do you know where they went? 

(Pg. 396) 


Because there aren't very many restaurants or movie theatres in my town, there is still a lot to do. 

Even though / Although 

(Pg. 337) - Adverb Clauses of Contrast