Adverbial Clauses
Adjective Clauses
Passive Voice
Extra Points

Match the italicized clause with the correct explanation it shows: 

I started running more regularly because I wanted to improve my stamina

- time 

- reason 

- purpose

- contrast

- condition

- reason 


Complete each sentence with the correct word. 

I like restaurants ___________ serve organic food. 

- when 

- where 

- who 

- whom 

- which 

- which 


Complete each sentence with a gerund or infinitive form of the verb.

Do you remember ____________ (see) that movie with us last year? 

- seeing 


Match the italicized clause with the correct explanation it shows:

I needed help even though I thought that I didn't

- time 

- reason 

- purpose

- contrast

- condition

- contrast 


Match the italicized time expression with the correct meaning or explanation. 

Most adults have to work through trauma that they experienced during their childhood.

- "at the time" 

- introduces a named period of time 

- "any time" or "every time" 

- from that time in the past up to the present 

- "up to that time"

- introduces a named period of time 


Choose the correct option to finish the sentence.

Mom will show you ____________ the copies are. Just give her a moment. 

- when 

- whom 

- where 

- who 

- which 

- where 


Complete each sentence with a gerund or infinitive form of the verb.

I quit _____________ (smoke) years ago. 

- smoking 


Choose the correct option to finish the sentence.

___________ you study, you won't be able to pass the test. 

- even if 

- if 

- for 

- unless 

- even if 

- unless 


Choose the correct option to finish the sentence.

My dad's family came to the U.S. ___________ provide a better life for their children. 

- for 

- because of 

- in order to 

- since 

- in order to 


Write "S" if the italicized adjective clause describes the subject. Write "O" if the italicized adjective clause describes the object. 

We saw someone who was my friend in Highschool at the store. 

- S 

- O

- O 


Complete each sentence with a gerund or infinitive form of the verb.

I thanked him for ____________ (help) me. 



Rewrite the second sentence. Add the connector in parentheses and punctuation as necessary. 

My mom is an amazing cook. She is a great baker. (moreover) 

My mom is an amazing cook. Moreover, she is a great baker. 


Match the italicized time expression with the correct meaning or explanation. 

Ever since I was young, I've always loved to spend time camping in the mountains.

- "at the time" 

- introduces a named period of time 

- "any time" or "every time" 

- from that time in the past up to the present 

- "up to that time"

- from that time in the past up to the present 


Write "S" if the italicized adjective clause describes the subject. Write "O" if the italicized adjective clause describes the object. 

That email, which I didn't bother to read, was from a spammer. 

- S 

- O

- S 


Change each sentence to passive voice. Use the same tense. Do not include the agent.

They took a vote. 

A vote was taken. 


Look at the adjective clause in the sentence below. Choose whether it is essential or non-essential. Rewrite the sentences with nonessential adjective clauses adding commas where needed. 

Our class which is smaller now than it was before is still the best class. 


Our class, which is smaller now than it was before, is still the best class. 


Rewrite the second sentence. Add the connector in parentheses and punctuation as necessary. 

The law says that everyone is equal. Inequalities still exist. (nevertheless)

The law says that everyone is equal. Nevertheless, inequalities still exist. 


Combine the two sentences. Use an adjective clause.

Don't open the door for anyone. You don't recognize. 

Don't open the door for anyone who you don't recognize. 

Don't open the door for anyone you don't recognize. 


Change each sentence to passive voice. Use the same tense. Do not include the agent.

I've already graded the test. 

The test has already been graded. 


Look at the adjective clause in the sentence below. Choose whether it is essential or non-essential. Rewrite the sentences with nonessential adjective clauses adding commas where needed. 

The wolves that live in my backyard are very friendly. 



My brother Michael ________ (be) an accomplish musician. He __________ (play) the violin since he was a little boy and ______ (be) currently _________ (get) a music degree at Julliard. In a few years, he _______ hopefully _______ (go) to New York and play as part of the Orchestra on broadway. He ________ (hope) to play with a musician that he ________ always _______ (admire). 

- is 

- has played 

- is getting 

- will go 

- hopes / is hoping 

- has admired